Sujet : Favourite Head Wearing Gadget

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There were three head wearing devices that you can obtain in this Ratchet game. There was the O2 MASK, the Sonic Summoner and the Pilot's Helmet.

So out of the 3, which one was your favourite?

I'm quite tied with the O2 Mask and the Sonic Summoner to be my favourite head devices. The O2 Mask may look really tacky on Ratchet, but it's extremely helpful when you're in underwater. The Sonic Summoner on the other hand, is helpful when fighting a group of enemies becomes overwhelming and it does matches Ratchet's pants pretty well. emoji

But if I had to pick one as my favourite, I would choose the O2 Mask, even if the colour of the head device doesn't match Ratchet very well. It is just a very useful mask overall and when you obtain it, you don't have to worry about the time limit you have when you're swimming underwater.

I say the O2 mask is my fave cause to me it's very useful second fave is the sonic summoner

I like the Sonic Summoner, if I can remember correctly, I haven't played R&C1 in a while, that's the one that get's the robots to fight for you, or something, right?

I haven't played R&C1 in a while, that's the one that get's the robots to fight for you, or something, right?

you're close but they're not robots they're sand mice

I like the pilots helmet. Without that, you couldn't have fought on Pokitaru and Olantis. I think there was one more…

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I like the pilots helmet. Without that, you couldn't have fought on Pokitaru and Olantis. I think there was one more…

Good point. Without it, you wouldn't be able to complete the game. Although, I think it's quite a shame that the Pilot's Helmet was only good for the flying segments in the game.

Oh by the way, Drek's Fleet was another place you would use the Pilot's Helmet for. :oui:

well orginally the hologuise would of been a head item and it looked absolutely stupid lol but it was funny to see. the O2 mask was useful but the sonic summoner was coolest looking (even though i dont wear any of them unless i have to)

For me its a tie between the pilot helmet and the O2 mask. I always had the O2 mask with the grind boots and the pilot helmet with the magnet boots because they matched. The pilot helmet always looked cool and sleek and reminded me of going commando while the O2 covered his whole face and made him look intimidating. So its hard for me to pick.

my favorite was the Pilots Helmet, all the helmets we're important in their unique was off course.

But i loved using the Pilots Helmet, With the Thruster Pack & The MagneBoots, Ratchet looked pretty hot then.

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I liked the Pilot's Helmet for 2 things:

1- It looked cool and had a cameo in UYA.

2- With it you gain acess to my favourite segments of the game (and the series), the flying ship segments. I'm still waiting for a R&C game based only in those segments emoji

It's not my fault - I can't choose just oneXP!!!!

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Yeah i agree the 02 mask was my favourite emoji

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Same the 02 mask was also my favourite