There were three head wearing devices that you can obtain in this Ratchet game. There was the O2 MASK, the Sonic Summoner and the Pilot's Helmet.
So out of the 3, which one was your favourite?
I'm quite tied with the O2 Mask and the Sonic Summoner to be my favourite head devices. The O2 Mask may look really tacky on Ratchet, but it's extremely helpful when you're in underwater. The Sonic Summoner on the other hand, is helpful when fighting a group of enemies becomes overwhelming and it does matches Ratchet's pants pretty well.
But if I had to pick one as my favourite, I would choose the O2 Mask, even if the colour of the head device doesn't match Ratchet very well. It is just a very useful mask overall and when you obtain it, you don't have to worry about the time limit you have when you're swimming underwater.