What were your favourite worlds and planets to go to in the first Ratchet and Clank game?
Here's my list!
Novalis - Tobruk Crater - It's one of the most memorable places I remember in this game, whether it is the gameplay or some of the cinematic moments. There are certain paths to enter to, a lively environment to explore and gold weapons (only in challenge mode) that you can obtain in this planet.
Kerwan - Metropolis - I seriously think Metropolis in this game had the best level layout and design overall. It was huge, it had different paths and secret areas (to grab gold bolts) to go into. It's also the first time we meet Helga and Al here in this place too.
Pokitaru - Jowai Resort - Soothing music, charming fun atmosphere and a world that you can swim around in with no big fishes trying to gobble you up.
Oltanis Orbit - Gemilk Base - it might be a very linear level layout, but I do like the music score in this place a lot. Being in a place like this reminds me of Perfect Dark for some odd reason. Don't ask why, but for me it does. It also has a quite calming side to it, except when you need to defeat Qwark and some heavy space ships.
Kalebo III - Gadgetron Site - it's big, bright, fun and lively all over the place. It's also one of those worlds that I would visit very often.
and I guess that's it.