Sujet : Introduce yourself

Thanks for the welcome guys!

Greetings LombaxJord and welcome to the forums, dude! emoji

Thanks for the welcome guys!

if you want a picture click the symbol near the power icon there you can change everything like your qoite picture and signature. Your picture just be 200x200

Thanks guys, and yes I shall update my picture soon, cheers for the advice on going about that!

Hi everyone emoji. I like the style of this forum, but I'm still getting used to it.

Hi everyone emoji. I like the style of this forum, but I'm still getting used to it.

Hi Vivi, welcome to the club!

Hello Vivi, welcome to the forums! emoji



Hey there, Lombaxie. Welcome to the forums!

Welcome, Lombaxie!



I'm AbercrombieFizzwidget/ Weasel188900 on the Insomniac Games forums. I registered here a while ago but here I am! emoji

I'm AbercrombieFizzwidget/ Weasel188900 on the Insomniac Games forums. I registered here a while ago but here I am! emoji

Welcome to RG! Hopefully you have a good time here. It's a bit less active than the Insomniac Games forums, but I'm fairly confident that you'll enjoy yourself here.

Thanks Darkstar. I held off on posting here because I found the interface confusing. Now I guess I'll post here because it's somewhere else to talk about R&C I guess.