Sujet : Ratchet & Clank PS4 - Official Thread

So…what's all this talk about the Ps4 Pro? It sounds like Insomniac might be doing a patch to integrate it in RaC.

Nah, definitely not looking forward to buy the PS4 Pro. I don't plan to play VR games and I can't just simply buy one PS4 Pro since I still have my PS4 which isn't even 1 year old.

So…what's all this talk about the Ps4 Pro? It sounds like Insomniac might be doing a patch to integrate it in RaC.

Nah, definitely not looking forward to buy the PS4 Pro. I don't plan to play VR games and I can't just simply buy one PS4 Pro since I still have my PS4 which isn't even 1 year old.

All I know is that Sony said they made it to "expand the lifespan" of the PS4, which sounds like complete crap to me. The PS4 is already a good enough system in my opinion, but they just need to stop screwing around and focus on making more games. One of the only games I cared to get this year was the R&C reboot (and No Man's Sky, but yeah, that one's not great), and I've owned my PS4 ever since it came out! Fortunately there's a bunch of RPGs coming out during the next five months (including the one my profile pic is related to, of course :3), but not really much else for the other genres yet.

As for the VR thing, I hope they just make a plug-in for the headset to connect to the current system and make VR-specific games for that instead of making it an exclusive feature to another console. If not, then I'll just continue shoving my face in front of the screen like a sane person would.

This whole thing with the NX, PS4Pro, and Xbone Scorpio all seem pretty weird to me. This is the first console generation where I've actually felt pressured to upgrade my console. Anyway, the way I see it is that you'll mainly benefit from upgrading if you have a TV that can display in 4K HD, or if you're into VR. Of course, there's also the fact that the Pro will have better graphics capabilities for the people who are all about prettier gaming. It's up to Insomniac if they want to go back and make R&C take advantage of the Pro. I think Sucker Punch is doing the same with Second Son.

All I know for sure is that I'm going to hold on to my elderly PS4 for a while longer.

This whole thing with the NX, PS4Pro, and Xbone Scorpio all seem pretty weird to me. This is the first console generation where I've actually felt pressured to upgrade my console. Anyway, the way I see it is that you'll mainly benefit from upgrading if you have a TV that can display in 4K HD, or if you're into VR. Of course, there's also the fact that the Pro will have better graphics capabilities for the people who are all about prettier gaming. It's up to Insomniac if they want to go back and make R&C take advantage of the Pro. I think Sucker Punch is doing the same with Second Son.

All I know for sure is that I'm going to hold on to my elderly PS4 for a while longer.

Well all PS4 consoles are getting an HDR update and Al Hastings said that going back to R&C16 and implementing this HDR upgrade really makes a bigger difference than 4k in this game since it wasn't made with 4k in mind. One thing for sure is that IG says stay tuned regarding a Neo mode for R&C (4K for PS4 Pro and HDR for all PS4).

Can someone please link me to that funny little ratchet and clank going camando animation with the cubic sand thing, its really hard to find it on YouTube you forgot we posted it on the really random thread emoji

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All Ratchet and Clank ps4 themes!

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All Ratchet and Clank ps4 themes!

Please tell me how can i get itemojiemojiemoji

Can't–they're for Japanese only :/

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All Ratchet and Clank ps4 themes!

So they remembered to put Zed's name in one of the themes but they totally forgot about Elaris? Seriously, do you see her name anywhere?

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All Ratchet and Clank ps4 themes!

You're missing the digital pre order theme. All it was, was just 2 screenshots from the game. it's alright, the theme everyone can get is better than it emoji

i can get screenshots if anyone wants to see it

But… but… Pool Sharks are the Worst!

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