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Friend of mine bought PlayStation VR! So, obviously, I had to pay him a visit. The only VR experience I've ever had was with the Oculus DevKit 1, so it was cool to see how things have changed. My friend bought a few games with the system. First we did this static game in a shark cage which was pretty cool (cause I love shark movies). I actually wanted to lean of a railing in the game, but ended falling, because the railing wasn't actually in the room, ofcourse.
Then we did this sci-fi game, but after a few minutes I said: "Mate, you have to take this thing of my head or my breakfast is going to be all over your floor". I got so nauseous from that game…
Then we did Rush of Blood, but quickly turned it off for the neighbours' sake. I was screaming. But you know what's weird? You want to cover your eyes with your hands, but you can't because the VR is on your head! But in the moment, you don't think about closing your eyes!! Kind of like this.
Then, finally, I had an experience that didn't scare the heck out of me or gave me motion sickness; and that was The London Heist. It was based around a sitting position and you could grab stuff with the Move controllers. You could light a cigar too and instinctively I blew out the smoke (after slapping my face with the controller) and the game actually reacted to it. "Omg, look! Did you see that? Pfff, pfff. It blows out the smoke!". I went a little crazy over that. xD
Anyway. Cool gimmick item for an afternoon of fun, but I wouldn't buy one myself.
(This is a veery long post, sorry. But I got a little excited ^^ )