Sujet : Ratchet & Clank Merchandise - Showcase, discussion, etc!

Very nice! But hold up, did you order the game thrice in different stores for different bonuses?
Very nice! But hold up, did you order the game thrice in different stores for different bonuses?


Got something new, finally! Saw a bunch of promo material in a store window. I always ask. If you're lucky they let you have it (saves them the trouble of recycling it), if you're a little lucky they'll ask for your phone number and ask you to pick it up when it's to be thrown out. If you're unlucky: the answer is a simply "no". Hence: always ask.

Unfortunately the cashier couldn't hook me up with the display pillars they had set up, but he did give me this brand new store poster!!

It was the signal for the floodgates to open! Not two days later I found another original store poster! This one from ToD. filename32.png