Commentaires - Ratchet and Clank Ps4 is Playable at Gamestop! - Page 3

Avatar - Kubak12
Kubak12 28 août 2015 14:30:57

I'm still not convinced about the score… Everything I've heard from it so far is typical Michael Bross, just drained out of any creativity :P

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 28 août 2015 16:11:58

He's going for a "soft-dubstep" kinda feel in some of his tracks.

Avatar - Kubak12
Kubak12 29 août 2015 05:39:13

@Animovie Ratchet
    "He's going for a "soft-dubstep" kinda feel in some of his tracks."
Which I personally really disliked in the Metropolis one emoji It just sounds kinda… Cheap. Like he wants to be more techno, space'y and stuff, but… Sigh, IG, if you're going for a 'retro-Ratchet' feel in your music you can just ask a certain French guy to help you out you know…

Avatar - Crushto
Crushto 9 sept. 2015 19:00:05

Hey! Am I the only one that saw Tealgamemaster on YouTube beating the first Ratchet & Clank With only the wrench. This has NEVER been done before without using a weapon sometime in the playthrough. I commend you to og watch it right now, since he did it mostly as a tribute to the upcoming PS4-game. Also he got an interview/conversation with Mike Stout (a Level/boss designer for Ratchet & Clank)and they talk about some quite interesting themes.
Here's the link to the boss Battle With Supreme Executive Chairman Drek:…tch?v=chtnzdk0hjk
Congratulations to Tealgamemaster for achieving the title of -Greatest Ratchet & Clank player in history- (It's not official though)

Avatar - Darkstar
Darkstar 9 sept. 2015 21:45:46

    "Hey! Am I the only one that saw Tealgamemaster on YouTube beating the first Ratchet & Clank With only the wrench. This has NEVER been done before without using a weapon sometime in the playthrough. I commend you to og watch it right now, since he did it mostly as a tribute to the upcoming PS4-game. Also he got an interview/conversation with Mike Stout (a Level/boss designer for Ratchet & Clank)and they talk about some quite interesting themes.
    Here's the link to the boss Battle With Supreme Executive Chairman Drek:…tch?v=chtnzdk0hjk
    Congratulations to Tealgamemaster for achieving the title of -Greatest Ratchet & Clank player in history- (It's not official though)"
Actually, I believe a certain Ratchet & Clank maniac in New Zealand has done that before…

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 10 sept. 2015 03:01:06

Kbabz? Or Ratchetruler?