Commentaires - A Ratchet and Clank Novel is in the Works!

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Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 6 oct. 2015 04:07:13

What do you think? Will you purchase this novel as a hardcore fan? It may not spoil the movie (it's not like we don't know the general ending anyways…)

Avatar - The_Speedstar_7
The_Speedstar_7 6 oct. 2015 04:52:14

I will! emoji

Avatar - HeatherGrace
HeatherGrace 6 oct. 2015 08:20:07

A novella/short story then. I was just thinking about what a shame it is that R&C didn't get a novel, but Resistance did. And now this! I'm definitely getting it though, as well as read it of course. I'll keep my eye out for pre-order in The Netherlands. emoji

Avatar - Kubak12
Kubak12 6 oct. 2015 13:47:27

That's nice to know, it means the movie might get better advertisement than I originally thought it would emoji

I'm suprised there's no UK distributor so far.

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 6 oct. 2015 14:32:49

It's wonderful to see Ratchet and Clank being integrated into educational reading for kids :oui:

Avatar - Kubak12
Kubak12 6 oct. 2015 14:55:37

@Animovie Ratchet
    "It's wonderful to see Ratchet and Clank being integrated into educational reading for kids :oui:"
Um… Where does the 'educational' part come from?

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 6 oct. 2015 15:05:12

Scholastic? Maybe I'm mistaken.

Avatar - Kubak12
Kubak12 6 oct. 2015 17:10:24

@Animovie Ratchet
    "Scholastic? Maybe I'm mistaken."
They are a childrens publisher, but they don't release just educational books. I'm pretty sure the old Bionicle books were released under their label. Besides, I don't really see how R&C could be educational.

Avatar - RGPStudios
RGPStudios 6 oct. 2015 19:22:42

Let's just hope that the movie is shown in Australia.

Avatar - HeatherGrace
HeatherGrace 7 oct. 2015 08:08:00

I think it's going to be a normal novelization. If it were truly aimed at kids and kids only, it would have been a visual novel. Kinda like what they did with Frozen, Tangled and etc. Now I think about it, have they confirmed it's a novel-novel or a picture book?

Avatar - VtnVivi
VtnVivi 7 oct. 2015 17:20:14

Instant buy for me emoji. The book is supposed to have 144 pages, I'd say it's a short novel novel. Picture books tend to have around 30-50 pages, but I might be mistaken.

Avatar - HeatherGrace
HeatherGrace 8 oct. 2015 09:36:42

    "Instant buy for me emoji. The book is supposed to have 144 pages, I'd say it's a short novel novel. Picture books tend to have around 30-50 pages, but I might be mistaken."
Yeah, true. Then I guess it's a novella. emoji

Avatar - Madi_Milkshakes
Madi_Milkshakes 13 oct. 2015 03:30:37

[quote=Let's just hope that the movie is shown in Australia.][/quote]
I know! I'd be super angry and upset if it doesn't. As for the book, I don't care what the target audience age group is, Imma still gonna buy it. I'll buy both of them… add it to my collection emoji

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