Commentaires - The Plumber is back for the Ratchet and Clank Movie!

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Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 9 mars 2016 16:42:26

Another fun fact: almost 1 month until the Ratchet and Clank ps4 game releases in the USA! emoji

Avatar - Hyper_Enesephus
Hyper_Enesephus 9 mars 2016 17:13:31

@Animovie Ratchet
    "Another fun fact: almost 1 month until the Ratchet and Clank ps4 game releases in the USA! emoji"
Got it preordered with two-day shipping! My copy's expected to arrive on April 12!emoji

Avatar - DerBlaue
DerBlaue 9 mars 2016 18:09:08

Germany has to wait until April 20th emoji

Avatar - Ratchetxtreme
Ratchetxtreme 9 mars 2016 21:23:11

can you tell me how are quarkeos a reference to the ps3 games

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 10 mars 2016 01:34:54

In Tools of Destruction, Qwark advertizes Qwark-e-os in the arena.

Avatar - Bitmap
Bitmap 10 mars 2016 03:17:45

Where's the source to these images? I didn't see them on the website…

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 10 mars 2016 03:56:17

    "Where's the source to these images? I didn't see them on the website…"
What do you mean? The first set of images were from…nd-clank-movie/

Avatar - Bitmap
Bitmap 10 mars 2016 04:42:23

No no no… These images, the ones in this post. I assumed they were from the R&C movie website but I didn't see them anywhere. These ones you didn't give the source to. You gave the source of the images that were shown a while back.

Avatar - Ratchetxtreme
Ratchetxtreme 10 mars 2016 05:34:17

@Hyper Enesephus
    "@Animovie Ratchet
        "Another fun fact: almost 1 month until the Ratchet and Clank ps4 game releases in the USA! emoji"
    Got it preordered with two-day shipping! My copy's expected to arrive on April 12!emoji
    I. AM. READY!"
i pre ordered my copy weeks in advanceemoji

Avatar - Crushto
Crushto 10 mars 2016 18:49:47

I was actually expecting a post revolving the latest gameplay video being published recently on the Playstation Access YouTube-channel and the IGN preview. Josè said so many nice things about the game, which is good marketing for the game + movie. I seriously advise you all to go and watch them right this second (if you haven't already).
I have a serious issue with the movie though: I have got no information WHATSOEVER regarding the premiere in Norway except for some info I got some time ago on this website (which I regardless wouldn't think is valid now with the delay that happened some time ago). I need to know! I have been checking websites connected to norwegian cinema nearly every day in the last months. I even mailed them.
If anybody sits on some knowledge surrounding this topic, then please let me know. I'll try to calm myself down in the meantime. Thank you!

Avatar - The_White_Guardian
The_White_Guardian 10 mars 2016 22:01:12

So far everything from the movie/PS4 game looks amazing! I just hope not too much will be spoiled: in the wise words of a friend of mine: "Sell your story without giving away the plot."
Still, emoji

Avatar - The_White_Guardian
The_White_Guardian 13 mars 2016 12:27:02

@Animovie Ratchet
    "Another fun fact: almost 1 month until the Ratchet and Clank ps4 game releases in the USA! emoji"
Welp, where I live it's supposed to come out on the 20th.
Thank god I ordered through Amazon, which will receive the game on the 12th! I can't wait! emoji

Avatar - Rock_Lombax
Rock_Lombax 14 mars 2016 21:13:50

Knowing that Ratchet is fan of the GR, I don't think Grim is the one eating the Qwark-e-os. Maybe we'll see a montage of him raising Ratchet? emoji Imagine a scene with baby Ratchet being fed cereal.

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 14 mars 2016 22:28:10

@Rock Lombax
    "Knowing that Ratchet is fan of the GR, I don't think Grim is the one eating the Qwark-e-os. Maybe we'll see a montage of him raising Ratchet? emoji Imagine a scene with baby Ratchet being fed cereal."
Having read the novel…not likely.

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