Maybe give the R&C Movie its own section on the forums like the games have
Good idea! I'm gonna tell them the idea!
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Maybe give the R&C Movie its own section on the forums like the games have
Good idea! I'm gonna tell them the idea!
Messages : 192
Maybe give the R&C Movie its own section on the forums like the games have
Good idea! I'm gonna tell them the idea!
Maybe give the R&C Movie its own section on the forums like the games have
Good idea! I'm gonna tell them the idea!
No problem
Is it possible to create Stats Cards for both All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault?
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
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Is it possible to create Stats Cards for both All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault?
It's better that you send Vince4x4 a PM for that, or just post it to the French community cause he neve check this thread…
Is it possible to create Stats Cards for both All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault?
It's better that you send Vince4x4 a PM for that, or just post it to the French community cause he neve check this thread…
But I do ! Sometimes… Sorry if we're not very present of the english version, but the french one already takes us quite a lot of time, even more since we started development for the new version (V.3). Feel free to send me private messages when you have any special requests
We actually can't create stats cards for those games, unless we have the permission of Insomniac Games, such as we did with the ACIT stats cards. Though, it's not something that will happen I guess since they don't have any dedicated stats section on their website, which means no direct way for us to retrieve players' data. Sorry !
Something I noticed, we still don't have the Up Your Arsenal and Deadlocked cutscenes.
Is RatchetLombax (I believe he's the one in charge of stuff like this) unable to record or something? I noticed the French version already has them. In fact I think they have every cutscene in the series, including the ones from the PSP games.
Just curious.
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
Send help.
Messages : 2733
As a frequent user of the mobile version, I think it would be nice if the "Edit Profile", "Fanfics", and "Fanarts" section are accessable without needing to switch to desktop version
Something I noticed, we still don't have the Up Your Arsenal and Deadlocked cutscenes.
Is RatchetLombax (I believe he's the one in charge of stuff like this) unable to record or something? I noticed the French version already has them. In fact I think they have every cutscene in the series, including the ones from the PSP games.
Just curious.
I guess he was in charge of those cutscenes, but I'll ask him just to be sure. I wish I had the tools to capture and record all of this.
As a frequent user of the mobile version, I think it would be nice if the "Edit Profile", "Fanfics", and "Fanarts" section are accessable without needing to switch to desktop version
The mobile version has only a few months left to go before we get rid of it, but for the best ! Actually, Ratchet Galaxy V.3 will have a responsive design, and so, you will have access to all of the content and functions whether you are using a PC or a mobile device.
Messages : 2733
Responsive? Do you mean that the new version is suitable for both PC and mobile devices?
Messages : 3917
Responsive? Do you mean that the new version is suitable for both PC and mobile devices?
The new version will adapt to the size of the screen, according to the staff.
Messages : 2733
I see. Thanks for the info!
Responsive? Do you mean that the new version is suitable for both PC and mobile devices?
Let's hope everything goes well
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Messages : 2733
So, will there be more emoticons in RG's new version?