My fanart doesn't appear in my album, but it did upload properly. I also can't upload fanficton. I was going do make a readable version of the return of the commando comic I made when I was 7.
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My fanart doesn't appear in my album, but it did upload properly. I also can't upload fanficton. I was going do make a readable version of the return of the commando comic I made when I was 7.
Fanart and fanfics must be validated first before they become publicly visible, so it may take a while for them to show up.
How do I validate them?
How do I validate them?
They have to be validated by staff. Here is a link to a list of this site's staff - Filipuntik is in charge of English fanfics, and I think Ratchetlombax is in charge of fan-arts. You can send them a private message and ask about validating your fanart/fics.
Thanks. Also, it is confusing that parts of the website are still in french.
Hi there, I'm generally in charge of validating fan-arts.
If you see some non-translated stuff on the english version, feel free to PM me

Messages : 2733
Hello, I just found a bug. The number of people online is displayed as zero. My name isn't even displayed as online there. Dunno if it's just in mobile version or also in desktop version.
This bug appears to affect both versions of the site, as I've noticed this since this morning, and I've also seen messages posted about this on the French forum as well. I'm not sure how quickly this will be fixed though, since the French staff (The ones who actually build/fix the site) have been pretty busy lately.

Messages : 2733
I see. Thanks for the info.

Bande de casu!
Messages : 2134
I have noticed a problem that may be connected to the "zero member online" thing: It seems that all the moderators are gone in the french website, I'm doing a lot of bad things an no one is there to punish me. :/
Is there a similar situation on the english version ?
"« CLANK », « CLANK », « CLANK », « CLANK »" _Alister.
I have noticed a problem that may be connected to the "zero member online" thing: It seems that all the moderators are gone in the french website, I'm doing a lot of bad things an no one is there to punish me. :/
Is there a similar situation on the english version ?
I appear to be the only moderator who is active here on the English forum. However, I doubt that no mods being online would make the site say that no one is on.

Bande de casu!
Messages : 2134
Oh I see. It seems that your moderators are still alive. The situation on the french website is pretty much critical. I just created a Thread and there's no one to stop me.
We're all doing bad things because no one is there to punish us. We feel good now, but we'll probably regret it.
This is bad.
Some guy also talked about his genitals to explain a philosophical theory.
I think we need help.
"« CLANK », « CLANK », « CLANK », « CLANK »" _Alister.
Oh I see. It seems that your moderators are still alive. The situation on the french website is pretty much critical. I just created a Thread and there's no one to stop me.
We're all doing bad things because no one is there to punish us. We feel good now, but we'll probably regret it.
This is bad.
Some guy also talked about his genitals to explain a philosophical theory.
I think we need help.
That makes me wish I knew French…
Also, I checked the last login of the French mods, and it appears Scorpion and Ratchetlombax were online earlier today.

Messages : 2733
This better not be a cyber attack. Hopefully the Admin and mods can fix this.
This better not be a cyber attack. Hopefully the Admin and mods can fix this.
I don't think it's a cyber attack. If it was, the whole site would be down/messed up.