Sujet : Introduce yourself

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he read the rules tara. If hes a problem let me know and he might have to deal with… *DUN DUN DUN*


I wont act like his mother though, because i dont really want to embarass him, but if any of you have a reoccuring problem with him- feel free to contact me. emoji

back on topic… welcome all new members! welcome annoying little brothers! WELCOME UNIVERSE! :P

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Hi, my name is David. I am 9 years old and now the YOUNGEST member on this site. (Says my sister) you may know my sister, PipoTachyon. You know her, you know where I live and stuff as well. It's that simple! So hi. I LOVE WEEEGEEEEEEEE!

Wow, David XD. What are you doing on here? I think it's the reign of younger kids on Ratchet Galaxy XD. Do you have an account on the Insomniac Games website, too?

HI NEFFY! And no. Sharon doesnt want me 2. BLAAAAH!

hi new people on the website!

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HI NEFFY! And no. Sharon doesnt want me 2. BLAAAAH!

hi new people on the website!

Hi there! Well, I don't really think you should either, David. Your a little too young for that website and their pretty strict there, too.

Hi, OctagonaWEEGEE!
Welcome to the Ratchet Galaxy family!
I hope you enjoy your time here
(And don't worry about being young. My brother enjoys R&C as well and he's the same age as you)

hey i'm aaron 13. eny 1 no how to put a pic on? its not working? emoji

hello everybody. Im zachary, 13years old, and i have no clue how anything works here so im learning as i go.

Hi Zac! Don't worry about not knowing where everything is, you'll get the hang of it. Don't be afraid to ask for help! emoji

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Hello both Roboticsloth and LPG soldier, welcome to Ratchet Galaxy emoji hope you both enjoy the stay around here! Be sure to check out the rules as well, though they're pretty straight forward anyways heh.

Welcome aboard!

is it just me or does anyone feel weird being obbsessed with R&C as a high school/ college student ahah i love it but it makes me feel weird. im 14 and highly into baseball this and fishing.

it doesn't matter how old you are, you can like R&C at any age, as we've discussed here before, it's not intentionally a kids game, it just appeals to kids more (plus most idiots these days are too obsessed with games like Call of Duty to recognize a good game when they see one) sure heck, I'm 19 and I love R&C, my girlfriend is 19 an she loves R&C even more, lol, and some members here are in their twenties, so age doesn't matter, and you shouldn't feel weird for liking it emoji

thanks! but im gonna like it in queit without my friends knowing (except for my really good friends). and everyone i mention it to say i loved that game when i was a kid! but i held on to it and its a great game. way better then call of duty.

Echinin new members. Don't worry, if my Junior HS class year can be obsessed with CoD, and pokemon, then there's no way I can be denied to like R&C. Well, a bit more than that actually…

Im Jamie K and im not gonna say my age because i dont wanna make this thread rating crazy!
I live near Glasgow.Thats that.All i can say is i prefer R&C to Black Ops!

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Im Jamie K and im not gonna say my age because i dont wanna make this thread rating crazy!
I live near Glasgow.Thats that.All i can say is i prefer R&C to Black Ops!

same here! the black ops thing i mean… welcome!

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