Sujet : Who Are Your Favorite Characters And Why?

In this thread you can chat about you're fave characters and why you like them they can be robots and non robots.

Here are my lists of my fave characters.

Faveorite Robotic Characters:
Clank - Cute, Smart, Funny, Brilliant computer skills, Knows how to talk to animals and translate languages, Kung-Fu moves, Secret Agent emoji

Sigmund - Adorable emoji, Smart, Hilarious, Loves Cartoons, Is a brillant caretaker of the Great Clock, He may not know how to fight well and a bit of a scaredy bot but he has a good heart emoji

Rusty Pete - Cute, Not so smart (can't even spell kissing emoji ), Bit of a clumsy clutz, Funny (especially the part where pete talks to himself with slag's head emoji )

Faveorite Non Robotic Characters:
Ratchet - Clever, Excellent Piloting skills, Fix and fight things with his wrench, Dosn't like Captain Qwark very much (I don't blame him emoji ), he maybe a pain in the furry butt sometimes and can be a bit stubborn but he has a good heart and will do whatever it takes to make things right emoji

Orvus - Adorable, Smart, Has a funny sense of humor, If it wasn't for his idea of designing the Great Clock to save the universe all of the other characters would have existed (makes him super awesome in my point of view emoji )

Zoni - Adorable, Clever, Love when they say 'wheeeeeee!'emoji, Can fix things and protect Ratchet and Clank from the crash with thier energies when in a group

I can't think of any more faveorite characters and the reasons why I like them but this is as much as I can think of so far but I do know that so far the only characters I'm not keen on is Qwark (he's annoying and a big cry babyemoji ) and Dr. Nefarious

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:spoilers: he killed Orvus and I hate him for that however if orvus is still alive I'll forgive Dr. Nefarious

Anyways tell me who are you fave characters and why you like them I'll be looking forward to see you'r posts emoji

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heh well lets see… I actually like a lot of the characters from the series, so it's kinda hard to choose XD but I'll put down my top 5 (in no particular order)…

Ratchet: I mean, come on! If you like the Ratchet series, then you must like Ratchet XD he really has matured a lot since the first game, and grown into a much more likable and expressive character. He's cool and kinda cocky, and a trigger happy lombax… so how can you go wrong with that xD?

Clank: You gotta love Clank too, he's the one who lead Ratchet long the pathway to becoming a galactic superhero, and he's also very kind and helpful long the way, and is an even better character later in the series as he becomes far more important than a mere sidekick, especially in Crack in Time.And well, he's just very likable xD

Dr Nefarious: I have to say that Nefarious is my favorite villain because he's just so fricken funny and childish XD that's the main reason I like him, heh. He eats crayons when he gets a mental breakdown, sings "You are my robot loooover!" and those soap opera scenes when his brain jams up… I cant get enough of that :-D

Juanita: She's probably my favorite female in the series, since she makes me laugh and yeah, she's just so funny and psychotic! Especially when she's with Dallas and tries all she can to kill him after dreadzone, but keeps failing! She's also a creepy Ace fangirl, which makes it even funnier lol though she is annoying how she wishes Ratchet will die but at least at the end she starts to be nice to him.

And *gasp* yes, Ace Hardlight is my favorite and yes, I know he's a jerk in Deadlocked but well, he's still my favorite XD I didn't really like him much at first though, since I knew nothing of his past. But now that I know, I just find him cool and interesting and I feel sorry for him with his home planet (orphanage) being destroyed. He's also badass and even survived that bossfight, and it's interesting that he was only kept in prison for about 4-5 years after that(he got released during Crack in Time) oh and I think he's good looking XD but it would be better if we knew more about him while he was still a hero.

But yeah those are my favs, I have more but there's so many good characters in the series that it's hard to choose and I could make the list a bit 'too long' :-P

that's alright I understand but I have no idea who is Juanita until now with the info you put but hey I'm glad you like what you like emoji

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Oh ok XD well she's a robot female from Deadlocked/Gladiator, and was a news presenter who worked alongside Dallas (Dallas is this crazy alien who always flirts with her) they only appeared in that game though, but I think they were mentioned again in ToD.

Well my favorited characters are:

Dr.Nefarious->He is very funny if he has this 'little' problem when he is angry (-> emoji ).
And he is an evil genius (I'm also a genius that's why I like him).

Clank->He is very smart and his laughing sounds so funny,too ( emoji ).
I really like playing as him in the games (all begun at the 'tactical blarg research
station'when you can play as Clank).

Juanita->Yes I also like Juanita from Ratchet Deadlocked,she's so agressive and she looks like the girl who is sitting next to me in school emoji emoji .

Well I like all the robotic characters but this 3 characters are the best I think.
I also like Ratchet,the plumber and big Al because I think that they are funny and cool.

Oh ok XD well she's a robot female from Deadlocked/Gladiator, and was a news presenter who worked alongside Dallas (Dallas is this crazy alien who always flirts with her) they only appeared in that game though, but I think they were mentioned again in ToD.

ah I didn't know that I never had that game thanks for letting me know emoji

and as for black hole's comment I like playing as clank as well he's fun to play as wish I could play as sigmund though that would be fun flying around emoji

Here are my favorite characters from the series:

Ratchet-Funny,smart,cool,aggresive,and even swore in Quest for Booty.

Captain Qwark-Always has something weird to say,a very big coward,and stars in the movie,"My Blaster Runs Hot"(Which I want to see so badly)

Cronk-talks funny says mean but funny things about Zephyr,and says,"Craggymite"instead of Cragmite,and snores in the credits of ACIT

Zephyr-Has a weird face and always has something to say about Cronk

Rusty Pete-love to drink grog with Slag,always hiccups when he talks,and has a habit of getting yelled at

Captain Slag-sings crazy songs with Rusty Pete,loves to yell at Pete,and has lots of insults

Dr.Nefarious-always laughs at things that aren't funny,has a habit of screaming at people,and competeted in Galactic Idol and came in last

Flint Lord Vorselon-has a cool voice,would make a great main antagonist,and scares people by teleporting next to them unnoticed

Sigmund-overreacts over someone getting up,knows Tai-Chi,and always hides in the broom closet

Gleeman Vox-loves to kill people,always insults or yells at someone,and swore twice

I have many others but it would take forever to type the name and the description.

that's awesome I didn't knew Sigmund knows Tai-Chi infact I never notice that I know he likes kung-fu but he dosn't fight very well but if he did he'd be an awesome fighter

My favourite heroes are Ratchet and Clank(of course) and favourite villain is Dr. Nefarious! The reason?
"QWAAAAAA*tilt*Oh Charlie…*smack*AAAAAARRRRK!!!!!" emoji

My favorite characters are: Ratchet: Funny-has a sense of humor, sometimes serious acts, etc.
Clank: I like on it as a smart (emoji)
Qwark: He thinks it is better and bigger hero than Ratchet (crap) and behaves like an overgrown baby, and a lot of stupidemoji
Dr.Nefarius: I like to yell and is very humorous (his way) and is still angry but what to addemoji
Lawrence: Just Lawrenceemoji
Cronk and Zephyr, I know they are just funnyemoji
Darla Gratch: The coverage is always something happens to heremoji
Zoni: They have a mysterious voice huuuemoji
Aphelion: Can speak
Drek: Gawker with a stupid ideaemoji
Lord Vorselon: Yes idiotemoji
Angela Cross: Girl Lombax vrrrrrrrr
Helga: Stupid fat Urvan ………emoji
Plumber: I do not know the reasonemoji
B2 Brawler: I like his mindemoji
Courtney Gears: They are nice robotsemoji
Otto: Stupid bossemoji
Emperor Percival Tachyon: Yes Urvan but not more than Nefariusemoji
Rusty Pete: Pretty good but works with slagemoji
Slag: Pirate simply irrelevantemoji
The Smuggler: He built RYNO freeemoji
Alister Azimuth: Strange brrrrremoji
Sigmud: Funnyemoji
Orvus: I know for whom the articles so funnyemoji

emoji emoji emoji

My favourite heroes are Ratchet and Clank(of course) and favourite villain is Dr. Nefarious! The reason?
"QWAAAAAA*tilt*Oh Charlie…*smack*AAAAAARRRRK!!!!!" emoji

lol that's the only thing I like about Nefarious but I still hate him for what he did to Orvus though.

And as for Raritanium's comment that's one heck of a list of fave characters but that's good enough for me I like the smuggler he's cool but sometimes he's a right butthole

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I love Ratchet because im like him a lot, and everybody calls me Ratchet. we also have a close 'bond' because ive underwent some of the stuff he went through, and that counts for a lot.

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