Some of my favorite quotes…
Dallas: Since I don't have much time left, I'd just like to apologize to a few people. Timmy Aberdeen, I was the one who lit your backpack on fire, and I'm sorry that you couldn't get it off in time.
Susie Binkleton, I was the one who put the Tyhrranoid in your locker. Hey, but I hear the therapy is going well, though. Chin up, kid!
And finally to you, Juanita, my dear, sweet Juanita. I'm sorry for six years of rude jokes, harassing innuendo, and those friendly little pinches in the elevator. But who am I kidding you, you love it!
Juanita: This reminds me of 'Galaxy's Most Painful Home Movies', I love the part where they miss the jump and smash their crotches on the railing, so wacky!
Juanita: That's right. Take him out, Team Darkstar! Destroy him, destroy his family, make him cry into his next life! Draaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! *goes mad and goes for the cameraman*
Dallas: I've never seen that before! Ladies and gentlemen, Juanita has just eaten the cameraman!
Gotta love those two XD