Messages : 70
Artemis is a female name, actually. It's the name of a goddess, and several fictional Artemises have been females. The only exception that I know is Artemis Fowl.
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Messages : 70
Artemis is a female name, actually. It's the name of a goddess, and several fictional Artemises have been females. The only exception that I know is Artemis Fowl.
Also, something just hit me and I don't why I think of this now or if we alreadt takl about this, but how in the world did Qwark escape from that astro and almost getting eaten by Snowball the war gok and what happen to it?
Hmm no idea, I assume the galactic authorities found him, since they were searching for Nefarious and Lawrence…. who were not far from where Qwark and the war Grok were… so he probably was rescued just in time XD
And that's interesting, about Artemis being more of a female name. But like Tipsy said, the name Artemis Zogg sounds more male than female, but we'll just have to wait and see next month
Messages : 103
I can't wait to see what this new Markazian villain is like, male or female. For some reason, if it's a male, I imagine him to look like Kurt Swiftblade lol! From The Fallen Star.
Not long until the comic releases now
My birthday is comeing up soon and this is going to be first on my wish list but i have to wait untill sep.12
SPECIAL/ULTIMATE MOVE: Oblivian Blast,kamehameha overload, and a echo blaster
(ps picture is from http://thelombax51.deviantart.com/ thanks again)
LOL Kurt Swiftblade? But Kurt doesn't go around stealing planets, and well… he isn't a thief to begin with, he's a Markazian Ninja-like guy
I'm still looking forward to the comics release, I just hope it'll be easy for me to order it online! I want to own the original paperback comics
A very interesting interview with T.J Fixman, it doesn't have any major spoilers, so feel free to take a read. It's making me excited about getting the comics XD (a friend sent me the link just a minute ago, I think it's from the Insomniac forums lol)
This was a good article to read, now I'm even more excited for the comic. :3
This put a big smile on my face soooooo cant wait!
Messages : 203
Ffffff Cronk and Zep are back!!!! Happy fangirl is happy =3
…yeah, I really want to get every cover of this comic.
Ratchet and Clank: Lost in Reality, a Ratchet and Clank fanfiction by Jessica M.
This put a big smile on my facesoooooo cant wait!
AH-HA! It looks like Cronk and Zephyr are going to make a cameo in the 3rd issue! So this means that Tawlyn might make an appearance in this comic too. Hooray!
Well no doubt Talwyn should be involved now so yeah, very good news !!! I was surprised to see Cronk and Zephyr too, but it's great to see more characters involved
This is coming out the day AFTER my Birthday. This is going to be awesome :3
I hope, there will appears old characters like: Skid McMarx, Helga, Sasha, Courtney Gears, Ace Hardlight (if he is alive)
He is alive, already been confirmed since Tools of Destruction. And he even had mentions in Quest for Booty and Crack in Time
But I'd like to see other classics appear again too. Skidd hasn't even been seen or even mentioned since R&C3! I'd also like to see Big Al again too, hopefully with a better design XD
You Brhitani Rai9867