I'm surprised that a thread like this wasn't made yet, but anyways…
What were you favourite cinematic moments in the first Ratchet and Clank game?
I may not remember all of them, but for the scenes that got my attention the most is the one's that I remember, which were…
- the results after Clank showed Ratchet the infobot of the Pokitaru Resort video. I just thought the conflict between Ratchet and Clank was pretty histerical, especially the way Clank got angry.
- All the scenes in planet Kalebo III were pretty enjoyable too. Both meeting the Desk Girl and Ratchet and Clank being filmed for the commercial were really fun scenes to watch overall.
- All the scenes in Metropolis were great too. They are instant classics in my books.
- When Ratchet and Clank entered Qwark's HQ. I would get a huge chuckle from Qwark and Ratchet's "shouting at one another" dialogue.
- The scene when the Plumber (was known as the Waterworks) was first introduced. Can't forget about the "Plumber's Crack" moment there.
And I assume that's it for now, but I'm sure there are more that I have forgotten.