Did you thought that Qwark disguising as Fizzwidget this whole time felt a bit too predictable in Going Commando?
There were a few things that made me triggered that Fizzwidget was Qwark in the game, which were…
- Qwark's disappearance and never appearing (except for the Behind the Hero cameos) is where I got a bit suspicious about both Qwark and Fizzwidget.
- Some of Fizzwidget's dialogue felt kind of predictable that it wasn't really him, especially when he was ignoring or interrupting both Ratchet and Clank.
- Fizzwidget sending Ratchet and Clank flying out of his ship was no surprise there.
- Fizzwidget giving the password "QWARKTASTIC" to Ratchet was way to predictable that it was Qwark.
I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of any at this point.
While playing Going Commando for the first time, Did you guys knew that Fizzwidget was Qwark this whole time before revealing his true identity or you found out after Fizzwidget revealed his true self?
I was sort of in the middle range for the first time. I knew there was something up with Fizzwidget's behaviour and Qwark's disappearance, but I wasn't too sure exactly until Fizzwidget zipped himself down and was Qwark underneath him.
In results, I would say both.