I decided to make a topic for this separately, since well… people are discussing it quite a lot that it can be in it's own topic
So what do you think? I think it works very well for this new game to be honest. And it looks quite charming, and reminds me of the Creaturebox concept art they have done for the games previously. The style especially reminds me of these vinyls (Creaturebox also did the design for these)…. and notice how Qwark's eyes are blue in the trailer? Well the Vinyl Qwark has blue eyes too XD
And here's a quote from the Insomniac forums to give more reason to this change…
Quote from: CalvyCal on Today at 01:11 PM
Hey guys…to answer your question about the different style…
With the addition of everyone playing on one screen…some characters were a little harder to distinguish than others, for example, Clank was too tiny on the screen, Nefarious too thin. Our character artist over in NC spent a considerable amount of time tweaking each character to look different while still keeping the group look harmonious.
So there you go. I actually do prefer the Crack in Time style of course, but seriously. I don't think this new style is so bad… as long as it's just for this game, then I don't think it's such a big issue :p I think I find it easy to tolerate it because I used to be part of the Crash Bandicoot fandom, and characters from that franchise had TONS of redesigns, many of which were god awful.
That's my thoughts anyhow. What's yours?