Do you have a fancharacter or two you want to show off? Is it an original character or fan-character made to fit into the Ratchet & Clank universe? Well, this is the topic for them
You can post your own character, along with some info like this…
(Character Image here)
* Name:
* Species:
* Home Planet:
* Occupation:
* Height:
* Weight:
* Age:
* Eye colour:
* Weapon of choice:
* Personality:
(Don't have to add the weight if the character doesn't want you to XD)
I may list some of mine here too, but my main characters I made are a group of superheroes who were mentioned in the Deadlocked game guide (some of you may know about it already) they were called the Sonic 6 and they adopted Ace from an orphanage; so I made all 6 members into characters (since they were all unknown, no names mentioned or anything) so I filled in the gap and made a lot of fanon being the freak I am, heh.