*Name: LY-D14 (AKA Lydia)
*Species: Robot
*Home Planet: Unknown
*Occupation: Working with Sigmund at The Great Clock
*Height: 5.8 Feet
*Weight: (couldn't think of her weight at the moment ^^; )
*Age: Unknown
*Eye Colour: Dark Blue with Light Blue Irieis
*Weapon of choice: Claws, Horns, Electrical attacks, Martial Arts, Whip like tail (she can detach and reattach her tail at anytime it can be a normal or an electric whip to not only sting but to zap her foes when whipped)
*personality: Lydia is a fighterbot with a heart of gold she'll do anything to help out a friend in need and only fights for what's right, She may not get angered easily but can be a little stubborn sometimes, Her past is unknown as she has no clue of what happened before she was found by Sigmund (thanks to the computer who detected her) and brought to The Great Clock by the Zoni if it wasn't for them goodness know what would happened to her and for that she's eternally grateful to them, She has developed a HUGE crush on Sigmund but she's too shy to let him know however that does not stop her to help him out and protect him whenever Sigmund is in trouble, Unlike Sigmund she gets along fine with the computer, She enjoys flying around with the Zoni at her free time (she can fly by summoning her energy/electric wings at will)
that's all for now I have about Lydia for now
I'm aware that she does not have eyebrows (Dark Blue), nose, and *ahem* chest features I just didn't put them in even though it was my sister who drew my OC after all I'm not an artist at all but we can all pretend that she has thoese missing features