I am deeply disappointed in Quest for Booty.
I thought it was a complete game, not a quickie -'between' game, a dissolve between Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time. :< too bad, though it was kinda fun - despite it's shortness.
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The only reason why Quest for Booty was so short is because Insomniac made it as a downloadable game on the PSN in North America, which therefore, many gamers wanted to purchase the game from the PSN. I assume you are from Europe and got the game on a disc instead, which I could understand why you would be disappointed in purchasing a game that's has approximately 3 hours of gameplay for an expensive price (according to what I've heard from those who are outside of Canada and the States).
I think it would of been a wise choice to have Quest the Booty to come with A Crack in Time for those who have bad internet connection to access the Playstation Network (such as myself) or just put more gameplay and story value to the game. After all, A Crack in Time is one game you cannot jump right away to if you are not aware with Quest for Booty and Tools of Destruction, especially Tools of Destruction.
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I was well aware of how short Quest for Booty was, so I wasnt disapointed. AND I also got it cheap, 2nd hand since I refuse to pay for the $34.99NZ price in stores (in NZ it sells in disc format) I got it for $14NZ.
But yeah, it is only a miniadventure though, for the gap between ToD and CiT… as Tipsy said

So, what is it this time Nefarious?
Messages : 56
Before I played the game I watch one of the trailers and heard Insomniac mention it wasn't as long as the other titles. I also noticed how you just stay on ONE planet. The game was still fun despite how short it was. I also liked how they put in a tiny bit of RatchetxTalwyn.
I think, if they had not had the piratey thing in ToD, then had a longer game for QfB (proper length for a Ratchet title) and had a generally fuller game with replay value and so on, it would probably be my favourite Ratchet game, but alas, it's a short, hastily thought out game never mind
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I can do nothing more but agree with you all. three hours for €16 is a bit disappointing, but I did have fun with it!
three hours for €16 is a bit disappointing, but I did have fun with it!
as short as this game is but to be honest I'm not dissapointed with it I had fun with it even if it cost me £10 in HMV
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I heard rumors that Insomniac created QfB to test the new engine they had to ACiT and then released to the public to see how they would react and/or complain.
Wow I'm feeling quite Questin for a Booty today
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well ive got it but for some reason my little sister wanted it and she hardly plays it and it was her birthday next.

Messages : 382
I heard rumors that Insomniac created QfB to test the new engine they had to ACiT and then released to the public to see how they would react and/or complain.
Wow I'm feeling quite Questin for a Booty today![]()
I remember reading something like that, just can't figure out what site was on!

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages : 3875
I heard rumors that Insomniac created QfB to test the new engine they had to ACiT and then released to the public to see how they would react and/or complain.
Wow I'm feeling quite Questin for a Booty today![]()
I remember reading something like that, just can't figure out what site was on!
Problem is that it looks SOO much like ToD that it couldn't be testing the new engine much at all. I mean they left most of the textures untouched. Some of the big ships were just copy and past (with a bit of editing) look at Darkwater's ship, it's the same outline as Slag's (but shrunk a wee bit)

Messages : 382
I heard rumors that Insomniac created QfB to test the new engine they had to ACiT and then released to the public to see how they would react and/or complain.
Wow I'm feeling quite Questin for a Booty today![]()
I remember reading something like that, just can't figure out what site was on!
Problem is that it looks SOO much like ToD that it couldn't be testing the new engine much at all. I mean they left most of the textures untouched. Some of the big ships were just copy and past (with a bit of editing) look at Darkwater's ship, it's the same outline as Slag's (but shrunk a wee bit)
The Insomniac Engine 2.0 was used in Tools of Destruction and in Quest for booty, so nothing was even changed around. The only difference was that in A Crack In Time, A new 4.0 engine was used along with All 4 one.

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages : 3875
I heard rumors that Insomniac created QfB to test the new engine they had to ACiT and then released to the public to see how they would react and/or complain.
Wow I'm feeling quite Questin for a Booty today![]()
I remember reading something like that, just can't figure out what site was on!
Problem is that it looks SOO much like ToD that it couldn't be testing the new engine much at all. I mean they left most of the textures untouched. Some of the big ships were just copy and past (with a bit of editing) look at Darkwater's ship, it's the same outline as Slag's (but shrunk a wee bit)
The Insomniac Engine 2.0 was used in Tools of Destruction and in Quest for booty, so nothing was even changed around. The only difference was that in A Crack In Time, A new 4.0 engine was used along with All 4 one.
Those numbers are inaccurate Insomniac have never named or numbered their engines before.
But you are right in that QFB was not much different from ToD, it cost them less to make (a lot less) and they got quite a good profit out of it. Which is great, because the more money they have the better the games!
ACiT was clearly quite different from ToD and QFB

"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages : 5964
I didn't expect to much of QfB because they SAID that is was gonna be a short game between ToD and ACiT. But when I first played it, I had nothing to complain about. Just the screen that turns green sometimes. A great game and moving platforms with the Wrench was súper awesome!

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages : 3875
I agree that it was a good little filler and worth the $30 I paid for it!