Messages : 947
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Messages : 947
Yeap I know that, but the bleeding noses in this manga are from injuries ;P there doesnt seem to be much 'sexual' jokes in it. Just mostly Ratchet getting beaten up and all that XD
And here's a video of me and my brother checking the manga out for the first time
I act a bit silly, so please try to excuse it XD and I'll post a few sneak peaks to my gallery. But I wont scan many/all of the pages, since it is illegal to do so and it was hard to get hold of this in the first place XD
Messages : 203
What is this I don't even…
Ratchet and Clank: Lost in Reality, a Ratchet and Clank fanfiction by Jessica M.
Messages : 326
Yeap I know that, but the bleeding noses in this manga are from injuries ;P there doesnt seem to be much 'sexual' jokes in it. Just mostly Ratchet getting beaten up and all that XD
And here's a video of me and my brother checking the manga out for the first time
I act a bit silly, so please try to excuse it XD and I'll post a few sneak peaks to my gallery. But I wont scan many/all of the pages, since it is illegal to do soand it was hard to get hold of this in the first place XD
Him i use my image language translator to translate the test! if it works! you have a good scanner, my just hang up and needs color to scan something! thats just weird! nah i shouldn't be mad at it! it didn't cost too much!
Insomniac Moon 2.0 is coming soon! Be prepared to have your socks rocked off!
It would be fantastic if someone could translate it, I really want to know what's happening XD but I'll list up the "Chapters" soon, nonetheless.
What is this I don't even…
You think that's mad? Oh there's much 'worse' things I haven't shown yet. Much worse XD *Shivers at the thought of that Starshield page, and the Clank hose-out-of-ass thing*
Messages : 326
Ok, i'm not sure if i want tha manga!
Insomniac Moon 2.0 is coming soon! Be prepared to have your socks rocked off!
Oh come on, it's funny XD weird, but funny. Nothing is meant to be taken seriously in it
But yeah, These seem to be the chapters for the Manga…
Chapter 1: Hot Springs
This one is when Ratchet & Clank are just minding their own business and then all of a sudden, Ace Hardlight jumps out of the TV/HV and joins them on an adventure to Space Japan to see the famous hot springs o_O madness happens and then they have to use Clank as a snowmobile to get there through the snow XD (because the Hoverbike wouldnt work).
They arrive there and rush to get the best spot, but Ace has trouble getting his armour off, which allows Ratchet and Clank to run off to get the best pool. Then they end up fighting a gargoil and then Clank gets electricuted by Ratchet's Scorpion Flail and… uhh… yeah o_O
Chapter 2: DreadZone
This one seems to be based on DreadZone. Ace hops out of the TV once again and offers Ratchet a chance to become a famous gladiator. He agrees of course and so, he and Clank go to DreadZone with Ace and more madness begins. Ratchet acts like an idiot too, but uses the Scorpion Flail a LOT here, and even attacks Vox for no apparent reason XD Juanita and Dallas are watching.
Ace gets annoyed about Ratchet screwing things up and so, he becomes his teacher. He teaches him how to use the Landstalker and all that, but Clank and Ratchet vomit from Ace's bad driving as it seems and… err yeah XD cant explain the rest.
I'll list more soon
Messages : 947
I just did a scan of the character page, a very large scan here
Maybe you'll be able to read a bit from those? Would be interesting to see how the japanese describe these characters xD
Messages : 947
Okay, here's a rough translation. (Emphasis on rough.)
Main Character Introduction
Coming to the space city Megalopolis from Planet Veldin in the galaxy's countryside, Ratchet is a no-good (?) old man hero. He is unsteady, loose, and delinquent. He and Clank make the strongest (?) combination…
BTW, those question marks aren't a matter of me being unsure; they were actually there in the original text.
Clank is a robot who escaped from the brink of a robot planet. He is serious, punctual and studious. Fixing machines is his specialty, but the garameka he makes are really useless.
I have no idea what garameka means, and I can't find a definition. Can anyone help?
He seems to be a former famous hero, but he is now dabbling in various occupations.
The currently popular hero from the TV battle show Dreadzone.
Four panel theatre
Panel 1
Rival Ace appears!
Champion of Dreadzone, Ace Hardlight!
Panel 2
In fact, his weakness is…
Panel 3
Panel 4
Ace: Now you know!!
Clank: Seriously!!
Messages : 236
from what i'm seeing, Garameka seems like some kind of machine/computer or something, all i know from what i've seen on Google is that it is something technology related.
LOL!!!!!! That's great XD and I knew that mini-comic on the side had something to do with Ace's hair and rain XD (well, kinda obvious anyway) but yeah, what other pages do you reckon I should get in high-res for translation? Just remember, I'm not actually allowed to scan the whole thing.
But here's the list of chapters/stories in it… are you able to give an idea of what they're titled? It'll help me greatly with adding them to the R&C Wikia
Messages : 150
if only you'd know the language,you can know whats happening and the story
Messages : 947
Boiling water battle at the scorching hot springs!!
War! Martial arts tournament!!
Battle Ratchet Transformation!?
Rare tactics and nonsense Baseball!!
Serious contest in Ganryujima!!
A Massive Mecha Kit!?
Super puzzle! Mecha test!!
New Year Cards! Delivery Panic!!
Get rid of Fake Ratchet!
Clank's teary homecoming
Megalopolis Star Golf Tournament!!
Strongest Mecha Supersale!?
Looking for treasure everywhere!!
The hot bond of two people!!
Ratchet & Clank 4 Panel Theatres
Again, rough translation. I'd like to see the "Fake Ratchet" story, I bet they ripped off of Fake Crash
Random as heck, but I find some of the content in what I'm seeing and reading from the translation to be enjoyably weird.
The humour is definitely something I could NEVER picture in a R&C game ever.