I also noticed at the Insomniac forums people don't seem to care and appreciate this series as much as we do :-/ instead, as soon as TJ Fixman made a post for the fans there, it was all "ANGELA ANGELA LOMBAX LOMBAX" and went completely off-topic… good grief, lol. No wonder he doesn't post much there XD
I'll probably PM him my feedback instead later, since the people behind this mini-series deserve some praise and respect from us and if you're on DA, don't forget to give Adam Archer some compliments too XD
Also, TJ has a life, working really hard at IG.
But I agree, that is pretty rude to say in front of one of the people behind Insomniac Games. I would have slapped the living lights out of some of those fans that whine and went completely off-topic there…verbally, not physically of course. Some may have tried to explained the reason about the whole Angela mess, but written stories in later segments in any franchise will at least have a couple mess ups. Nobody is extremely perfect, but at least there are some writers that do their best.
Lucky for Ratchet and Clank, this is only one plot hole in the series. But seriously, I think people should just move on. It's been a year now. Enjoy All 4 One.
Back to the topic, I agree with Tara here. Once I get the last three remaining issues, I'll definitely come by to Adam and Tony's page on DA and give some compliments about the comic series. I have no idea when though, but I will one day.