Thread: R&C Issue 6 Thread

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I also noticed at the Insomniac forums people don't seem to care and appreciate this series as much as we do :-/ instead, as soon as TJ Fixman made a post for the fans there, it was all "ANGELA ANGELA LOMBAX LOMBAX" and went completely off-topic… good grief, lol. No wonder he doesn't post much there XD
I'll probably PM him my feedback instead later, since the people behind this mini-series deserve some praise and respect from us emoji and if you're on DA, don't forget to give Adam Archer some compliments too XD

Also, TJ has a life, working really hard at IG.

But I agree, that is pretty rude to say in front of one of the people behind Insomniac Games. I would have slapped the living lights out of some of those fans that whine and went completely off-topic there…verbally, not physically of course. Some may have tried to explained the reason about the whole Angela mess, but written stories in later segments in any franchise will at least have a couple mess ups. Nobody is extremely perfect, but at least there are some writers that do their best.

Lucky for Ratchet and Clank, this is only one plot hole in the series. But seriously, I think people should just move on. It's been a year now. Enjoy All 4 One. emoji

Back to the topic, I agree with Tara here. Once I get the last three remaining issues, I'll definitely come by to Adam and Tony's page on DA and give some compliments about the comic series. I have no idea when though, but I will one day.

Deleted user

heh yeah that's right, he's too busy anyway and I wouldn't waste my time reading countless posts about Angela being a lombax or not neither emoji (someone also told me you cant send him PM's there anyway, because of his newbie account status :S well, I'll find some other way then since my post will no unnoticed in the topic there with all the nitpicker posts)

Anyway, I'm still waiting and I probably wont get it until yet another week away :S but I'll be giving my full thoughts then… I so can't wait to see how it ends!

When to get the last issue today. Sadly though, it was sold out ;A;

I ordered it though (along with another comic) so hopefully I should get it in a week.

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FINALLY Got the comic yesterday in the mailbox emoji

And well what can I say? It was awesome, a great end to a neat Comic series! Though it did feel very short, which is the only downside me thinks… but…

it was rather amusing when all those Mr Zurkons appeared, and of course the Plumber saving the day, once again XD

I also liked how deep the emotions went during the start of the comic, I really like the character interaction here. Sasha certainly is a better character now after this, as well as Talwyn and a lot of the others too! Zogg and Vorn are great characters too, I have to say!

And yeah, it just feels a bit rushed though, the ending… and too bad I was spoiled for the VERY ending emoji but it is good to see Tachyon again and thankfully, his colours were fixed up in the final print of the comic too emoji

Im not sure what else to say from here, but it has been a great ride since the very beggining, wouldnt mind seeing another comic series again in the future, canon or spin-off! A little disapointed Ace didn't appear, I admit emoji but even so, I still liked the comic a lot and now I look forward to getting All 4 One later in the year!

Better go give my compliments to the artists on DA (oh and yes, TJ Fixman has blocked PM's on Insomniac Forums, since he doesnt have time to read them all and too many fans would bother him about lombaxes anyway XD)

I finished the last issue today. Pretty much everyone said my thoughts on it.

Am I the only one who found Tachyon cute in the comic? He so small lol