Sujet : Favorite Tyhrranoid

What is your favorite type of Tyhrranoid?

Here is a list of the different types of Tyhrranoids:

One-eyed Tyhrranoid
Two-eyed Tyhrranoid
Three-eyed Tyhrranoid
Four-eyed Tyhrranoid
Tyhrranoid Saucer
Ultra-Mech Tyhrranoid
Momma Tyhrranoid

My favorite is the ultra-mech Tyhrranoid because I can use the refractor to reflect their laser attacks back to them! emoji

ultra-mechs, definitely! They are soooo much fun to destroy with lasers! emoji

ultra-mechs, definitely! They are soooo much fun to destroy with lasers! emoji

The refractor was my favorite gadget in that game because I could use it to kill enemies! It was really funny to watch the ultra-mechs get destroyed by their own lasers! emoji

The refractor was my favorite gadget in that game because I could use it to kill enemies! It was really funny to watch the ultra-mechs get destroyed by their own lasers! emoji

If I may quote from shakespeare:
Hoisted by their own petard!

It’s kind of weird that you only see the two-eyed tyhrranoids on planet veldin. I wonder why? emoji

what is the "Elite Tyhrranoid"?

plus! Want them all!?
One Eyed Tyhranoid (booth Blue ones, stripy ones and Robot ones)
Two Eyed Tyhranoid (only in green)
Three Eyed Tyhranoid (booth Blue ones, stripy ones and Robot ones)
Four Eyed Tyhranoid (only in green and Robot form)
Saucers (only Red and Robot that i could notice)
Two Eyed in Mech (AKA UltraMech) (Green, Red & Robot)
Momma Tyhranoid! (are you meaning this as Elite Tyhranoid?)

And that is the lot!

my favourate in those One Eyed ones! emoji emoji

what is the "Elite Tyhrranoid"?

plus! Want them all!?
One Eyed Tyhranoid (booth Blue ones, stripy ones and Robot ones)
Two Eyed Tyhranoid (only in green)
Three Eyed Tyhranoid (booth Blue ones, stripy ones and Robot ones)
Four Eyed Tyhranoid (only in green and Robot form)
Saucers (only Red and Robot that i could notice)
Two Eyed in Mech (AKA UltraMech) (Green, Red & Robot)
Momma Tyhranoid! (are you meaning this as Elite Tyhranoid?)

And that is the lot!

my favourate in those One Eyed ones! emoji emoji

I edited my list of Tyhrranoids to include the saucer and the Momma Tyhrranoid. I don't really know what an elite Tyhrranoid is, so I removed it from my list.

It’s kind of weird that you only see the two-eyed tyhrranoids on planet veldin. I wonder why? emoji

I know, in the Insomniac Museum, they said there were 2 types of enemies that were cut because it was too much effort to make an enemy that only ever appeared in one level, but they did that for the 2 eyed 'noids, so why couldn't they have featured those other 2 enemy types?
emoji emoji emoji

It’s kind of weird that you only see the two-eyed tyhrranoids on planet veldin. I wonder why? emoji

I know, in the Insomniac Museum, they said there were 2 types of enemies that were cut because it was too much effort to make an enemy that only ever appeared in one level, but they did that for the 2 eyed 'noids, so why couldn't they have featured those other 2 enemy types?
emoji emoji emoji

Actually, the two eyed 'noids were the ones controlling the saucers and the ultra-mechs, so they actually do appear in almost every level, It's just that after Veldin, they operate the machinery and don't appear on foot.

something awesome about Tyhranoids is that they are unique
one eye is a stupid small slow and weak type. But have sharp teeeth and are at the wright size to chew your leg off emoji these ones are there for fun. Like the Tyhraguise emoji
two. eyed are the brains and i asume they desighn all the machinary. Because they do a good jub at operating it! (the Tyhranoid Attack Ships (V1 & V2) and the Turret on the back of the Moma Tyhranoid
there is one to add the 'Attack Ships'
three eyed are not exactly the strongest around and not the smaertest either. Spose it is there ability to use heavy weaponray and fire it in the genral direction of its target!
Four eyed are the strongest and they have epic laser guns. And can fly!
The Moma Tyhranoid (ten eyed) is the comander of the Tyhranoids! And is good at walking on roofs and chasing down Lombaxes…
the award for best tyhranoid goes to… Two eyed. Because without them the army is as useful as Qwark with no muscle!

I like a challenge so, ROBOT FOUR EYED!




Haha, my favorite is the four eyed, because hes just super badass!

But i actually liked most of the thyrranoids more when they were organic… emoji

I also didnt like that they sound like an organic thyrranoid when you hit the robot ones, id like it more if they would sound like the mechs.. i love that sound emoji

I also realized that the two eyes ones are in saucers and ships, but i would love if they would appear again on foot…

As for the Elite Thyrranoid, maybe Ratchetgamer thought the Elite Thyrranoid is the Five eyed one on the far left of the artwork in which you can see most of the tyhrranoids.

Id acctually love to fight them emoji

Minis are funny
Saucers are cool
Mechs are epic and they even die w style
3 eyeds die very pleasingly (except robot ones which are annoying)
commanders are tough at times but epiclly ez at others. either way theyre very satisfying to kill
Mama is boring XD

I like the 4-eyed green ones, because they reminded me of the bikers from Joba andthe other planet in GC with the laser guns.emoji

My favorite is…..none!

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