Oh the music was fine… The accuracy just destroyed it's potential to be the best RYNO ever! They were all getting better than the previous ones (in the way of power) then this one comes out… Sure it's powerful, but I swear all of the bullets and rockets are doing thier best to avoid hitting things! If all bullets would track enimies, crates and destroyable objects (as well as the rockets) then this weapon would truely be the greatest RYNO ever… But it's not…
I like to call it a "scatter gun"
Been playing to much Jak eh? hahaha
No, I just came up with that on my own, not even knowing it was a Jak & Daxter reference.
Yea, the scatter gun is the first gun you get in booth Jak II and Jak 3 and still its better than the RYNO V I'd think… The RYNO V just won't hurt people! (from a reasonable distance)