Stargate # 27 septembre 2013 17:41:24 6 minutes... Membre Messages : 192 Im ambi as well I dont know how to spell the full word so im not even gonna try!
HeatherGrace # 27 septembre 2013 17:43:00 "Today the Rebellion dies." Membre Messages : 5964 Right handed. The only thing my left hand does is handel the left side of my keyboard when I type or doing the movement when I play games.
MrSwiftey # 27 octobre 2013 19:27:55 See ya in the next reboot! Membre Messages : 714 YouTube I'm Right handedWhy so curious
Darkstar # 27 octobre 2013 19:40:31 ToD is almost 10 years old... Membre Messages : 3650 Twitter YouTube Left handed. Now officially addicted to League of Legends.Send help.
gerbensteyaert # 27 octobre 2013 19:55:36 Gamer for Life! Membre Messages : 1989 YouTube Right handed