Sujet : Worlds in Full Frontal Assault

Those are supposedly just placeholders which are used to test the level layout, for example. I highly doubt that the place in the picture will appear in the final product, at least not as how it looks in the pic.

But those green things look like Cobalia's gelatonium plant's structures. Though, the environment isn't like Cobalia at all, it's missing the jungle elements completely. Or then it's inside something.

Well, you do have a point.

It won't be Spogosaurus (Spog) because according to the description it's a new villain.

Could be Spog 2.0 though? (Just kidding)

I am pretty sure they clearly said the Loki got taken out by Croid ("Do you think the Tharpods will be okay when Dr Croid destroys these planet fragments" which will result in the Loki going bye bye.
But, Clank did say something along the lines of "Time will tell I suppose"

I would love to see Veldin again, it would be epic if something happened again to ratchets "homeworld"

I really hope they will bring back the PS2 planets (not just Veldin)

One thing i wonder about is: When the game is called Q Force, will Skidd Helga and Al be in it again or what?

I would like to see Veldin, because it's Ratchet's home, he has been raised there. Also it would be great to see Kerwan. Metropolis is for me by the far the best city in the series. And I would also like to see Starship Phoenix, along with some old characters. It doesn't have to be used as much as in UYA, but,well even if we will get to use it only one time would be great. The last place i wish for, is Canal City from GC, or Axiom City from ACiT. Those two cities are right behind Kerwan in my ranking, they have some weird athmosphere, I can't even explain this. Well, i know it's impossible to see a return of all of them, because this game will be just a bit longer, than QFB, but maybe also in next games. But If i would have to choose two places to appear in FFA, they would've been
1. Starship Phoenix
2. Planet Kerwan, OR planet Veldin.

Yeah, but it's a Ratchet and Clank mini adventure, so it's not likely to see the return of all the planets from the PS2 version

Well i could enjoy to be in the appogee station again… as a HQ like Starship Phoenix… that would be pretty cool!

yeah the apogee space staion as a hub that gives locations as well but id like Fastoon , Jasindu , Kreeli comet , Magnus , and Reeporemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemojiemoji:oui:

That's a lot of faces! But yeah, I do want to see most of those return as well.

Yeah, It would be nice. Imagine if you buy the trilogy, and you beat it 100% and you unlock Deadlocked, that would be so cool! emoji

No No!
I would hate that! i hate hoverboard races and such… for me that would be impossible.. then i would never get deadlocked!

deadLOCKED away from you fools!

haha, but seriously, don't get your hopes up too high, we don't even know if ANY old planets or galaxies will return?

Membre supprimé

In the pick looks like It's that location from A4O where there are those giant robots. Can't remmenber the nameemoji

Terawatt Forest you mean?


I'd like to go back to Metropolis or Luminopolis, otherwise I want lots of new worlds to explore emoji

I'd like to go back to Metropolis or Luminopolis, otherwise I want lots of new worlds to explore emoji

Yeah, I love Metropolisemoji