Yeah I believe that's the why they have changed him to like he's now and I agree he should became more like he was before. But no I did not meant that they should make Ratchet a scumbag kids wouldn't like either. Just kind of more like Jak was in J&D for example. Not a "perfect role model super hero" stuff but more like a feet on ground tough guy but still doing the right thing.
It would also be awesome to see Ratchet fail things/doing wrong choices leading something bad/sad to happen sometimes so that he wouldn't feel so perfect and it would bring more depth to story and characters I think.
Anyways when you think about it most young kids play CoD etc. nowdays, so I doubt making Ratchet less "heroic" than how he is now would really matter anyone. And they should really bring those naughty jokes back. They are just so clever kids won't even notice them When I played the games again, I was like really surpised to hear some of those. I had no idea they excisted even thou I had seen all the scenes many times when I was younger.
Now this is not really related to anything now but IG should also try get a lot more hype the next time they're publishing a new full-fledged RC game. Atleat on where I live I did not know anything about ACiT or ToD until I searched and asked more about those games here. :/
I guess I just kinda would like to see R&C get back to it's old time glory. And try think for ideas how that would maybe happen (in my opinion), even tho I know telling about this here won't help anything. And I'm just trying to see if anyone here thinks the same way.
Check my YT for my RC fan vids etc.