Sujet : 2013 for Ratchet & Clank. Good or bad?

Yeah I believe that's the why they have changed him to like he's now and I agree he should became more like he was before. But no I did not meant that they should make Ratchet a scumbag kids wouldn't like either. Just kind of more like Jak was in J&D for example. Not a "perfect role model super hero" stuff but more like a feet on ground tough guy but still doing the right thing.
It would also be awesome to see Ratchet fail things/doing wrong choices leading something bad/sad to happen sometimes so that he wouldn't feel so perfect and it would bring more depth to story and characters I think.

Anyways when you think about it most young kids play CoD etc. nowdays, so I doubt making Ratchet less "heroic" than how he is now would really matter anyone. And they should really bring those naughty jokes back. They are just so clever kids won't even notice them emoji When I played the games again, I was like really surpised to hear some of those. I had no idea they excisted even thou I had seen all the scenes many times when I was younger.

Now this is not really related to anything now but IG should also try get a lot more hype the next time they're publishing a new full-fledged RC game. Atleat on where I live I did not know anything about ACiT or ToD until I searched and asked more about those games here. :/

I guess I just kinda would like to see R&C get back to it's old time glory. And try think for ideas how that would maybe happen (in my opinion), even tho I know telling about this here won't help anything. And I'm just trying to see if anyone here thinks the same way.

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I took a day off to complete the Future saga and see what the story was all about, it almost made me cry, and I gotta say that if it managed to do that, these are beautiful crafted games they've got here.

Anyway, with the stuff brought up in A Crack in Time, the proper ending would just be Ratchet dying or something, I know that it could be too dramatic, but when you think about it, Ratchet'll have no reason to live after all the topics the Future series left are answered. Talwyn will be with Max (assuming he's alive), Nefarious is not a threat anymore and Clank will be sealed away in the Orvus Chamber to protect the clock (assuming what he said at the end of ACiT happens). But those are just my thoughts, I think that if the series ended like it did in ACiT, it would be a bit cliché

rolfxd, Insomniac don't have anything to do with getting Ratchet & Clank noticed, that's what Sony does.

the proper ending would just be Ratchet dying or something

Cool, so I'm not the only person who thinks Ratchet should die at the very end :p I quite liked how ACiT turned out however, I mean atleast someone close to Ratchet died. (don't know why I'm so keen that someone should die :/) It's sad, but maybe that's the reason. Dramatic endings just stuck to your memory better than some ending like "everyone lived happily ever since" kinda uninteresting stuff. And of course the fact how many feels a sad ending raises is always good.

This series is just so good. The reason I used to play it was because of the fun factor but now the story and characters have became more important to me and when I played future games I actually enjoyed watching the cutscenes more than the actual playing. (which was awesome aswell) So yea r&c would really deserve a ending which people won't forget.

I understand however that some people just really don't want to see that Ratchet would die as that would mean that the series for reals has gone to the end now. And I'm sure it will never happen so whatevs actually.

The main character dying is more something they should finally do in a Crime TV-show.

Ratchet and dying? No, me not wanna see. I like the happy ending for this one. Kinda like Sly 3 had emoji

rolfxd, Insomniac don't have anything to do with getting Ratchet & Clank noticed, that's what Sony does.

Oookay I see, sorry I don't know too much about this business.

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Ratchet and dying? No, me not wanna see. I like the happy ending for this one. Kinda like Sly 3 had emoji

Who says that an ending where the protagonist dies isn't an happy ending? He could die because he wanted to die, like many so-called "Crime TV-shows". An ending like ACiT'S to end the series for good would be kind of underwhelming

Wanna die as in suicide? I persoanlly don't think that an ending like that or a sacrifise fits Ratchet & Clank.

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Ofcourse there is Alister (I cry every time). But he as an extra character. Kinda like the Disney movies where the parents always die.

Ratchet and dying? No, me not wanna see. I like the happy ending for this one. Kinda like Sly 3 had emoji

Who says that an ending where the protagonist dies isn't an happy ending? He could die because he wanted to die, like many so-called "Crime TV-shows". An ending like ACiT'S to end the series for good would be kind of underwhelming

Well I don't think it would be very happy ending if protagonist "wanted to die" in other words decides to do a suicide emoji Not that I wouldn't be okay with ending like that. I would like if something like Clank died or Talwyn and Ratchet wanted to do suicide cos of that. Of course that would never ever happen I could bet my head for it.

I think the way ACiT ended is pretty much as far as IG is ready to go with the "amount of sadness" at the ending. And I higly doubt, especially now that the series seems to be going more towards younger audience :/ We will not see even something as dramatic as ACiT. Tho like HeatherGrace said Disney did those like really sad endings to some of the stories (like in bambi or lion king emojiD Christ!)and well those were kids movies after all, I would just wish IG would go with the same mindset. :/

The way I see it, Alister deserved to die. He wasn't one of those characters that could stick around. He had a short temper, was violent, very controlling, and in the end we see why these traits made him such a dangerous character. He was destined to screw up at some point, and as I got to know him more, the more I became certain he was going to stuff something up. After causing the damage he did, and then fixing it we see that he learns so he's able to right his wrongs and die a good person. Excellent.

Ratchet on the other hand had done bad things before, like yell at Clank about the Zoni, but we could see deep down that he was a good guy, he was a haro all the way. And in games like Ratchet & Clank killing heroes is normally quite a bad thing. I mean sure in inFamous and Killzone lets kill a few heroes, they are realistic. But Ratchet & Clank is NOT realistic, and is set up so that the good guys win and the bad guys loose. Luckily Insomniac can add some pretty nice twists to that cliche and keep it feeling new!

Basically Ratchet, Clank and probably Qwark are never really going to die. But anyone else could! Slag and Pete could die, Talwyn could die, hell even the Smuggler could die!

It's safe to say we'll never see any inFamous-type endings emoji

The way I see it, Alister deserved to die. He wasn't one of those characters that could stick around. He had a short temper, was violent, very controlling, and in the end we see why these traits made him such a dangerous character. He was destined to screw up at some point, and as I got to know him more, the more I became certain he was going to stuff something up. After causing the damage he did, and then fixing it we see that he learns so he's able to right his wrongs and die a good person. Excellent.

Ratchet on the other hand had done bad things before, like yell at Clank about the Zoni, but we could see deep down that he was a good guy, he was a haro all the way. And in games like Ratchet & Clank killing heroes is normally quite a bad thing. I mean sure in inFamous and Killzone lets kill a few heroes, they are realistic. But Ratchet & Clank is NOT realistic, and is set up so that the good guys win and the bad guys loose. Luckily Insomniac can add some pretty nice twists to that cliche and keep it feeling new!

Basically Ratchet, Clank and probably Qwark are never really going to die. But anyone else could! Slag and Pete could die, Talwyn could die, hell even the Smuggler could die!

It's safe to say we'll never see any inFamous-type endings emoji

Damn! Do we have any mods about?

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Well I don't think it would be very happy ending if protagonist "wanted to die" in other words decides to do a suicide

Not like that, sort of like how Spike wanted to die in Cowboy Bebop

A bittersweet ending doesn't have to be something as shallow as the main character dieing for one reason or another. Kingdom Hearts is a series that deals with some pretty depressing stuff without actually resorting to blatant character deaths. The endings of Birth by Sleep and Days were heart wrenching…but no one really died.

If you guys would like a bittersweet ending to give a feeling of finality, it could be as simple as Clank finally going to live on the Great Clock and Ratchet going to live with the Lombaxes in the other dimension. It doesn't need to be blatant character deaths to feel final.

Hell, the ending of Sly 3 felt extremely satisfying and conclusive to me, but I still felt pangs of sadness because of the dissolution of the Cooper Gang. But everyone was happy in spite of it all. I know Sly 4 has recently released, but I never really felt like there needed to be a Sly 4, you know? Not that I don't enjoy Sly Cooper, or that I won't be picking up Sly 4 eventually, just that Sly 3 wrapped things up nicely.

I've only ever played Sly 1, but I get what you mean.

inFamous was sort of the same, inFamous 2's ending was very fitting, and wrapped it all up in a NEAT LITTLE PACKAGE! (Can anyone get the reference? Hint: It's not a game) but extremely sad (and necessary) at the same time. Though the '?' was pretty confusing. I wonder if that could mean the conduits were mearly disabled? And that the energy is still there, Cole could have attracted that lightning??? This is getting too off-topic.

IF Insomniac Games decides to end the Ratchet & Clank series, what i hope is not going to happen any time soon, they need to fill in all the questions that you were asking yourself at the end of ACIT. Are there any lombaxes out there? Where is Max Apogee? Where is Orvus? Will we be seeing Tachyon and Artemis Zogg work together? (see Comic Book)

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