Sujet : The quote game

Is it Qwark in ACiT in me my blaster and I?

Its Qwark, yes. But in the first cutscene of ACiTemoji

Argorianspacepirate, it's you're turn.

Oh okay sorry, never played that part in english emoji .But thanks emoji.

This should be an easy one:

"I don't suppose you can play drums?"

"Laaaawreeeeeenceeee" I mean Lawrence!

Hahaha yea right emoji
Now it's your turn

Ever thought about playing the games in English? I live in the country next door, Holland. There a Dutch version of the games as well, but I hate both the Dutch translations ánd voice actors. How's the German version on that?

I played ACiT in German a bit and heard some cutscenes from A4O in that language too. I didn't like ACiT dub really, A4O was good, I belive they changed the cast there. But I also had a "luck" to hear German Zoni. Oh dear…

But of course the quote:

…so I may bask in the awesome glory of their admiration!

I only played a crack in time the german Version,I prefer the english voice actors too. But the german Version isn't that bad. Sry for my bad english emoji

I only played a crack in time the german Version,I prefer the english voice actors too. But the german Version isn't that bad. Sry for my bad english emoji

Its just fine actually. Whenever I go to Germany and wanna ask something in English, I spend 10 minutes trying to ask if ''This game comes with the casing around it or if its just for show'. emoji

For the quote I'm guessing Qwark. It sounds like something he would say…

Sry for my bad english emoji

Your english isn't that bad emoji

And Heather, you're right. It's from ACiT, when Qwark prsented his plan of infiltrating the Nefarious Space Station. I had to cut the begginig of the line though - it was too obvious.

Well, I only recall one character to use the word 'awesome' a lot!

I'll explain later and… no.

Ratchet when Clank asked if he "had stones" emoji

I'm too late but I wasn't answering quote at all emoji Good job lombaxdude. I think there's gonna be same name next to number "1." for a long time…

I'm too late but I wasn't answering quote at all emoji Good job lombaxdude. I think there's gonna be same name next to number "1." for a long time…

Aw, now I feel bad for answering so quickly. Should I sit out for a few rounds so the scoreboard can balance out?

Either way I'll have to give a quote for the next round:

We'd like you to come hang out with us on planet Aridia

The robots you work with in R&C3, right? I love their voices emoji

I like this game, a good challenge to test my knowledge of the series!