Sujet : The quote game

It's Barney from Secret Agent Clank reacting after Qwark said: "…now how about I tell you of the time I lit up a hot air balloon with my lungs!"

No THAT was a good quote!

But it was a bit difficult. I would have thrown some hints out there to keep people thinking.

Look, Plumber's crack!

Oh, I know! It's Clank Helga The Plumber Ratchet!

And I thought that was a hard one.
You're right, go ahead and post a quote please ;.;

Lombaxes aren't the most heroic looking creatures…

Shall I revive the leaderboards?

If enough people are interested, why not?
Also we should be able to post repeats now, it's been almost two years since this started, and the last quote was posted 5 months ago.

Okay, the game is back. This time there are going to be different leaderboards each month, so that the eventual newcomers have a chance. Both the current and the archival leaderboards (and the rules) you can find in the first post. Due to the fact that we are just starting, you can answer to my quote Darkstar.

Sorry Kubak, not going to the negatives now emoji

Well it is a hard one. Mostly because it is not from any game (itself) actually…

It's about time this thread got revived emoji

Lombaxes aren't the most heroic looking creatures…

Hmm… is it your own quote, Kubak?

Okay, it seems no one will guess it. It was Captain Qwark in "Memoirs of a Saviour: Part 2". Another one then:
[quote=BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!!!]For some reason the good stuff is always in the big buildings.[/quote]

Isn't that Qwark in Size Matters, when he's telling Ratchet and Clank where to take the Technomite artifact?

Yup. Your turn.