Sujet : The quote game

Um, Neftin?

Um, Neftin?

That is…building tension, building tension, building tension, CORRECT! Ye may pass!

Um, Neftin?

That is…building tension, building tension, building tension, CORRECT! Ye may pass!

Oh my! Heh… 'sgotta be that Kuzco avatar.
Okay, okay, humm…

"Good dog."



Well, you're not supposed to guess right after your quote has been guessed, but judging by how long this thread has been down… go on emoji
(You're right BTW)

Spaceburgers gives me da farts!

I give up. I've been thinking about this one for ages, but I just can't remember anyone saying anything like that.

I give up. I've been thinking about this one for ages, but I just can't remember anyone saying anything like that.

Cronk: while getting repaired by Zephyr, the two have funny war stories to tell.

My turn.

"This be a work of fiction."

My turn."This be a work of fiction."

Slag. emoji

Yup! emoji

Wait a second, Animovie Ratchet wasn't supposed to have that last one, because of the rule.

Does this mean we should let ankadewo post another quote?

Wait a second, Animovie Ratchet wasn't supposed to have that last one, because of the rule.

Does this mean we should let ankadewo post another quote?



Does the person work for a villain?