Sujet : The quote game

I'll risk… is that a Grummel advertising a weapon?


Courtney Gears in the song

Courtney Gears in the song


What is more powerful than intelligence?

"A pocket Crotchitizer?"
Guys, there is teh Answers and Questions thread emoji

What is more powerful than intelligence?

"The RYNO?" Otto Destruct. Man, I can't belive I missed the Courtney quote…

Ok, I'll just post a next quote:

If you two are in the middle of something…

Anybody know that quote?

If I knew I'd have answered :/

Ok, I'll extend it:

- If you two are in the middle of something…
- Jealous?

I tried to answer and then realised it's still the round after my quote so I may have given it away to anyone who saw my answer before I edited this post! emoji

Oh right, that was Ratchet on planet Hoven when Clank got Hydropack. So, a new quote:
[quote=I'm running out of ideas!]I was always big for my age.[/quote]

Seriously? Even that is too hard?

