Sujet : What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

I lost my Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction save file!!!!
I had everyone upgraded to Omega form, only some were VX though.
Now i must start over!

Doubt you can beat me - my PS3 broke two ToD discs (you heard right - a console broke a disc whule playing it), forcing me to buy the game three times.

I lost my Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction save file!!!!
I had everyone upgraded to Omega form, only some were VX though.
Now i must start over!

Doubt you can beat me - my PS3 broke two ToD discs (you heard right - a console broke a disc whule playing it), forcing me to buy the game three times.

I've bought several PS2 games more than 3 times, maybe I should've been more careful with my discs :P

I'm now practicing for my inevitable MGS4 Big Boss run.
I'm dreading that so much that it's not even funny.

Don't forget, you have to skip all the cinematics. It's impossible to do it if you don't because in total, they all go on for longer than you are required to take.

Don't forget, you have to skip all the cinematics. It's impossible to do it if you don't because in total, they all go on for longer than you are required to take.

I'm more worried about the Drebin turret section and Act 3's bike sequence. I'll see if I can have at least have half of my health at the end of the latter, since I'd imagine on Extreme you take double damage.
Crying Wolf is also a problem. Since she has all those guards with her, I'll have to play Acts 1 and 2 fast enough so I have enough time to do the truck trick.

I salute you.
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I found using the sniper rifle to pick out Crying Wolf's guards, and the Rail Gun for taking out the Wolf itself was the best tactic for myself.

Playing Journey (so much has been said about it I don't need to add anything). Had to leave my travel companion so dad can watch NEWS…

Playing Journey (so much has been said about it I don't need to add anything). Had to leave my travel companion so dad can watch NEWS…

I have the game, never played it…

I've never played it or saw any gameplay. I feel kinda bad,now I think about it.

I haven't completed it yet, but I can already say it's unusual… But really worth checking out.

You know what I saw too? Duck Tales Remastered…. In box. I didn't know they made a retail version, nice!

You know what I saw too? Duck Tales Remastered…. In box. I didn't know they made a retail version, nice!

I was suprised when I saw it in the internet too. Actually that's funny, since the Journey I got today is a special retail edition as well emoji

That's why I thought about it. I was standing in a toy store when I suddenly saw em both. Totally missed that!

I recently just bought Fifa 14 and Black Ops 2 so i'm playing both of those games like crazy at the moment :3