Sujet : Your Game Timeline?

I Finally got the chance to dig into my deepest memories and create my gamer timeline. A date would be hard, but these are the exact years that I dedicated myself to a new franchise!

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1999 - I'm 3 years old.
1999 - Super Mario (first: Super Mario Land)
2004 - Sonic the Hedgehog (first: Sonic2)
2007 - Tomb Raider (first: Tomb Raider: Anniversary)
2008 - StarFox (first: Lylat Wars)
2009 - Metroid (first: Metroid Fusion)
2010 - Ratchet & Clank (first: Ratchet Gladiator)
2010 - Sly (first: Sly 2: Band of Thieves)
2013 - Final Fantasy XIII (first: Final Fantasy XIII)
2013 - Uncharted (first: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune)
2013 - Mass Effect (first: Mass Effect 3)

Obviously now I'm curious about your timeline ^^

I Finally got the chance to dig into my deepest memories and create my gamer timeline. A date would be hard, but these are the exact years that I dedicated myself to a new franchise!

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Obviously now I'm curious about your timeline ^^

2013 is a big year emoji
Mine is:

2004 - Ratchet & Clank
2008 - Mirror's Edge
2010 - Uncharted / inFAMOUS

6 years into Ratchet before meemoji

I always used to be a Nintendo-kid. I grew up with a black & white GameBoy and a Nintendo 64. Later I had a GameCube and GameBoy Advance. I had a small collection of games, I played what I had and the games I had I must have played for over 300 hours. It was Nintendo only and I didn't even care for PlayStation of Xbox (I'm not even sure if I knew what they were back then). I remember that in elementary (basisschool) a buddy said I wanted an Xbox, I didn't know what it was. I guessed it was one of those baby-boxes. My first encounter with a PlayStation was when I went to a buddy and he played Spyro on PSX.

In 2009 I figured out that the Wii was a big backstab from Nintendo and only played games from the past and kinda 'hated' the current generation. But then I saw this ACiT wallpaper and just had to play that game. In 2010 I saved up for a PS2 and in 2011 I sold a very rare Table Top and bought a new PS3 Slim for it.

I've come a long way. My past lies with Nintendo, but my future with PlayStation. And beyond that… ''who the hell knows''emoji

6 years into Ratchet before meemoji

I always used to be a Nintendo-kid. I grew up with a black & white GameBoy and a Nintendo 64. Later I had a GameCube and GameBoy Advance. I had a small collection of games, I played what I had and the games I had I must have played for over 300 hours. It was Nintendo only and I didn't even care for PlayStation of Xbox (I'm not even sure if I knew what they were back then). I remember that in elementary (basisschool) a buddy said I wanted an Xbox, I didn't know what it was. I guessed it was one of those baby-boxes. My first encounter with a PlayStation was when I went to a buddy and he played Spyro on PSX.

In 2009 I figured out that the Wii was a big backstab from Nintendo and only played games from the past and kinda 'hated' the current generation. But then I saw this ACiT wallpaper and just had to play that game. In 2010 I saved up for a PS2 and in 2011 I sold a very rare Table Top and bought a new PS3 Slim for it.

I've come a long way. My past lies with Nintendo, but my future with PlayStation. And beyond that… ''who the hell knows''emoji

Haha emoji I love Ratchet emoji

Was the first Ratchet your first too?

Was the first Ratchet your first too?

Yes, But i was only 5 so my dad buyed it and played it, and after that i played it and it was awesome!
#GoodTimes emoji Then we went to the Game Mania for R&C 2 emoji

Well this is my timeline, with the exception of a bunch of games:

2006 - Rayman
2007 - Ratchet & Clank - becomes nerd
2009 - Resistance
2010 - LittleBigPlanet - opens doors for other games
2010 - MediEvil
2011 - Jak and Daxter
2011 - inFamous
2011 - Crash Bandicoot
2012 - Uncharted
2012 - Killzone
2012 - Spyro
2012 - Metal Gear Solid
2013 - Portal

All of the above are games I still love to this day. For less awesome lists here are some games I didn't play/like enough to remember when I played them

Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Need For Speed: Something

And here are some games that just went with the times

Impossible Creatures
Hot Wheels: Stunt Track Driver
Pac-Man Rally

I love how late I was to a bunch of PS1 games such as MediEvil in 2010, Crash in 2011, Spyro in 2012 and Metal Gear Solid in 2012. Truly all-time classics that I missed

Thats quite a lot RRuler!

I kinda feel like the only Nintendo Kid nowemoji

Thats quite a lot RRuler!

I kinda feel like the only Nintendo Kid nowemoji

There are others around.

I however am cursed by PlayStation. NONE of the games I like are on Xbox (EDIT: Oh, err or Nintendo :oui: ) with the exception of Rayman, Portal and MGS. Which sucks because all my friends like is Xbox this and Xbox that, it's driving me crazy because they don't even like the games!

EDIT2: HeatherGrace is your avatar creeping up on me!? It's getting closer!

I know 2 others on RG that I'm sure of play Nintendo, but I don't know them by name. Show yourselfs fellow Nintendo'ers!emoji

Blessed by PlayStation I'd say. Pretty much an all-acces system and PlayStation will always keep its value, I'm not so sure about the Xbox.

What do you mean. I didn't change my avatar in ages. Its still the cute little Creaturebox Ratchet.emoji

Membre supprimé

Well, my memory's a little foggy on this, but I'll give it a go:

1997: Sonic the Hedgehog
1998: Super Mario(the NES game)
1999: Banjo-Kazooie!
2001: Conker
2001: Rayman
2002: Sly Cooper
2002: Ratchet
2002: Jak
2004: Final Fantasy( Started with 10)
2007: Spyro( The Legend Series. Mistakes were learned.)
2009:'Tales of' series
2010: Bayonetta *wolf whistle*
2011: Darksiders
2011: Bioshock
2012: Saints Row
2013: Mass Effect Trilogy
2013: Far Cry
2013: Okami

Ah, there we go. And we share the same year for Mass Effect ^^

Membre supprimé
Ah, there we go. And we share the same year for Mass Effect ^^

Which one's your favorite? Mine is Mass Effect 2; the ending alone kind of left me staring at the screen at how amazing it was. And the credits music was tops.

I managed to keep everyone alive, too. I was pretty happy. emoji

Hardest question of my life. I still can't find out whether I prefer 2 or 3. In 2 there so many cool sidequests to do, the story was great but not as great as Mass Effect 3. Mass Effect 3 is easily one of the best looking games I've ever played. And yer flying Alliance colors again. But ME3 screw up the ending, sort of. I always watch the happy ending mod on YouTube. Cause why the heck not? You can create your own character, personality, story. Why not decide your own ending?

I'm gonna play them all over again and then I can decide. But for now I pretty much rate them as one game.emoji

Allright, my new timeline emoji

2004 - Ratchet & Clank
2008 - Mirror's Edge
2009 - God of War
2010 - Uncharted / inFAMOUS
2012 - Resistance
2013 - Assassin's Creed / The Last of Us