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Tweet out #ratchetandclanksizematters and #secreatagentclank to #ps2ps4 @davehach @tglindqusit

I would rather see Secret Agent Clank on the PlayStation Store for PSP! (for use with PS Vita)

Tweet out #ratchetandclanksizematters and #secreatagentclank to #ps2ps4 @davehach @tglindqusit

I would rather see Secret Agent Clank on the PlayStation Store for PSP! (for use with PS Vita)

How about that exact same game not in the PSStore..

But in a case like this!
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That won't happen, because SAC is a PSP game, and PSP games do not get physical releases for PS Vita. No, I am just trying to be realistic, and the most realistic option is that they make it available as it's original PSP format on the store digitally. I wouldn't mind deleting some other game to make room for SAC.

EDIT: And besides, I almost never play physical PS Vita games, because they are too much hassle to take around the place with me. They are always either so small I am worried about loosing them, or so big that they take up too much space.

Still. It would be nice to have a ''remastered'' collection of Size Matters plus SAC!

How is Mass Effect going btw? ^^

It would be nice to see them remastered, and it could happen for a console, although it is pretty unlikely. But it will never happen for PS Vita, and that is the system I would rather play these games on, even if in their original quality. Just like MGS: Peace Walker

Speaking of MGS, it looks like their creator Hideo Kojima has finally gone independent and is going to be working on a new PlayStation exclusive IP. Good for him.

As for Mass Effect. Life hit me with a whole heap of really annoying issues, and in all the confusion I have been unable to find the time to jump back into Mass Effect. Hopefully I will have everything sorted out by the time Christmas is done.

It would be nice to see them remastered, and it could happen for a console, although it is pretty unlikely. But it will never happen for PS Vita, and that is the system I would rather play these games on, even if in their original quality. Just like MGS: Peace Walker

Speaking of MGS, it looks like their creator Hideo Kojima has finally gone independent and is going to be working on a new PlayStation exclusive IP. Good for him.

As for Mass Effect. Life hit me with a whole heap of really annoying issues, and in all the confusion I have been unable to find the time to jump back into Mass Effect. Hopefully I will have everything sorted out by the time Christmas is done.

Yeah, I read it. I wonder what it's going to be. And I don't mean to sound fangirl'ish, but it's cool that Sony is giving another kick to M$' nether regions. That's karma for making me play Rise on a 360!

I get that. I've heard several people complain about some minor issues that can still be really annoying. Like the distances between auto saves. Luckily I automatically save after each firefight now. I've been drilled since KOTOR. emoji

Lucky you, whatever issues you have.. they're gone in Mass Effect 2emoji

No, Mass Effect is a fine game, it's real life that is annoying me.

Ah, real life. Gotcha. It's kicking back, isn't it?

Well as soon as we cycle over to the new year most of my real life problems should be all sorted out, and all the stress can just melt away…

Actually now that I think about it, I found the time to get the Uncharted Collection on PS4, complete the first game with 100% again, and then finish the story in the second game. I have no idea how I did this?

Ah, a fresh start then, nice!

They're beautiful, aren't they? Especially Uncharted 2 baffled me. 'twas as though those games were made for the PS4!


Damn, Deliver Us the Moon is officially Greenlit!

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…and I just finished my finals. 2 weeks vacation now, woo!

Ah, a fresh start then, nice!

They're beautiful, aren't they? Especially Uncharted 2 baffled me. 'twas as though those games were made for the PS4!


Damn, Deliver Us the Moon is officially Greenlit!

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and I just finished my finals. 2 weeks vacation now, woo!

Same here! (Well, I finished tuesday). Tomorrow I have to get my grades (or how do you say that in English?)

I also finished on Tuesday! emoji Oh, and I believe you said that pretty much correctly.

Hahahahaha. They want to stop free train/bus/metro travels for student. In The Netherlands you receive free travel so you don't have to pay a thousand bucks each year, so you can get to school. Pretty good right? Well, they want to stop doing that to stimulate people to use their bikes because i's better for the environment.

1. Weren't trains and busses already invented stop people from taking theit cars. As in 'better for the environment'?

2. Yeah. Sure. I'll take my bike for 160 kilometers each day. No biggy. Just gotta leave 03:00 pm to be at school at 08:30 pm.

Great idea guys. Terrific.

Anyway. Good luck, gents! For me it'll take a few weeks before I see the results :/

Everyone's talking about finals… while the semester here ends with January.

So at this point I just spent two out of four weekdays (so far) performing in a theatre for schools from the region, and tomorrow we are performing for our school. And everyone loves it! The school performance is the third best day of December after Christmas and my birthday (not in that particular order). As a twist of fate, my birthday actually is tomorrow, which makes it a kind of special day.

Everyone's talking about finals… while the semester here ends with January.

So at this point I just spent two out of four weekdays (so far) performing in a theatre for schools from the region, and tomorrow we are performing for our school. And everyone loves it! The school performance is the third best day of December after Christmas and my birthday (not in that particular order). As a twist of fate, my birthday actually is tomorrow, which makes it a kind of special day.

Semester end here also in January (Greece).
What kind of play are you performing in?