Sujet : Really Random thread

I'm good, right after the exams - now I've got the longest vacation in my life, before I go to the University xD I saw the deleted scenes, yeah… Some I would actually like to see in the final movie, but some seem pretty pointless indeed:

- the first scene with Ratchet, it establishes what's already been established
- a separate introduction for Aleero City wasn't really necessary with the "Whoah, Aleero City" bit later
- the "asteroid" joke was not funny to me at all
- Drek's advertisement, while a nice nod to the original game, would be just too much exposition
- "Doctor Nerd-farious"… While the "Ratchet" line at the end was hillarious the rest was just… Weird

Wish they used them:
- the "targeting software" and "Coming?" bits would be much appreciated, since, well - it's Ratchet and Clank interacting, something this movie desparately needed
- an actual climax to the Zurkon segment, in the movie they just… Vanish
- the "target acquired" scene, that one was funny (and the voice actor for the Blarg did better job than most of the movie's celebs)

i think the whole zurkon scene was taken out because of brax's robot arm. still, they could have kept the ending of the zurkon battle, have brax's arm get injured, then have it heal later in the film.

Oh, joy! Haven't ßeen this thing in yearß:
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Mmm… sehr lecker. Die beste Sprache in der Welt emoji

Hm. Ich kann es darf nicht mit zustimmen. Aber ich denken das du das noch denken. (Something like that. Germanify Dutch and you're usually half right. emoji )

- "Doctor Nerd-farious"… While the "Ratchet" line at the end was hillarious the rest was just… Weird

Personally I think "Ratchet" line could add a little bit of spice to what is happening. I've only seen game footage and I think it's safe to say that boss fight with Quark was more than unexpected. "Greetings" and then we fight. Even this little scene added to the in-game footage could have provided some additional context to what may happen.

Wish they used them:
- the "targeting software" and "Coming?" bits would be much appreciated, since, well - it's Ratchet and Clank interacting, something this movie desparately needed
- an actual climax to the Zurkon segment, in the movie they just… Vanish
- the "target acquired" scene, that one was funny (and the voice actor for the Blarg did better job than most of the movie's celebs)

Completely agree with you, especially with Zurkon part.

At least German isn't as ugly as French when it comes to pronunciation. I remember during our trip to France, our guide asked "Would you like to shop at pren-tong?" and we were like "Uh, what? pren-tong?" And shortly we saw a big mall with the name "Printemps" "There you see is pren-tong." "Oooooooooooh"

Oh gosh. That must have been a shock.
I remember my friend told me that some of French people mispronounce words on puprose - just to show that they don't accept English here or something.

I remember my friend told me that some of French people mispronounce words on puprose - just to show that they don't accept English here or something.

I can vouch for that. A lot of the 'older generation' simply refuses to speak English. My uncle was injured during his vacation to France and ended up in a hospital. Nobody spoke English. No doctors, no nurses, nobody. My uncle was very lucky to be able to speak French. Seriously. A hospital that can't speak English, that's just dangerous.

But it isn't limited to France. I was in Berlin with a friend and we needed to take a bus. So we politely ask:
"We need to get to the something-something Straße, yada yada"
And he simply replies with a snarky: "Ich habe keine ahnung" closes the door behind us and drives on. So I shrugged and walked to one of the screens and clearly see the Something-Something Straße on it. That bus driver knew perfectly well what we needed. Otherwise he wouldn't have locked us in like that.
A little impolite, but hey, free ride!

I can vouch for that. A lot of the 'older generation' simply refuses to speak English. My uncle was injured during his vacation to France and ended up in a hospital. Nobody spoke English. No doctors, no nurses, nobody. My uncle was very lucky to be able to speak French. Seriously. A hospital that can't speak English, that's just dangerous.

Oh Godness…

But it isn't limited to France. I was in Berlin with a friend and we needed to take a bus. So we politely ask:
"We need to get to the something-something Straße, yada yada"
And he simply replies with a snarky: "Ich habe keine ahnung" closes the door behind us and drives on. So I shrugged and walked to one of the screens and clearly see the Something-Something Straße on it. That bus driver knew perfectly well what we needed. Otherwise he wouldn't have locked us in like that.
A little impolite, but hey, free ride!

Oh wow, in Berlin? That's strange - we were in Munich and everything was fine - people spoke English almost everywhere - even on fairs where you usually don't even expect people to.
But yeah, in your case it wasn't that bad emoji
though it was so fun to enter a small town nearby and try to buy something there. People looked at us as if we said something strange though I just asked for a bottled water :"D but I guess you'd get the same reaction in every small town

Really? I've been to Germany a couple of times, but I've rarely talked English there. Which is fine, at least our languages look alike enough to understand eachother, but in France… lots of signing and noises to get that Otrivin at a pharmacy. emoji

Really? I've been to Germany a couple of times, but I've rarely talked English there.

I guess the "We are Russians" thing worked perfectly with us :"D
Maybe because you kinda know it and they automatically think you can speak it? I just have no knowledge of German - not even basics - so maybe that helped?..

Which is fine, at least our languages look alike enough to understand eachother, but in France… lots of signing and noises to get that Otrivin at a pharmacy.

Sheesh, that's why they say always pack your first-aid kit :"D

Maybe it's the western part of Germany that is friendlier to tourists. I remember going to Köln and Frankfurt, and everyone I met spoke English. And the only German words I understood that time were only ja, nein, and danke. And France, dear God, do I hate the atmosphere in Paris. Though a lot of the younger people could speak a bit English and are friendly, I remember that a 40-year-old-looking staff in the hotel where we stayed only spoke French. He could spend all day long talking to us in French and we would had no idea about what he's saying. He once talked to my dad in French and my dad was like "Oh, ok. Ok. Ok." So I asked him "Dad, did you really understand what he was saying?" "Honestly, I have no idea. I was just pretending to understand." But Zürich was worse. We met 2 waiters who arrogantly laughed at us for not liking their salty soup and there was a cable car operator who was so hot-headed. Netherlands is still the best. Nederland over alles!


When you finally understand proper German grammar:

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Well regardless of whether they speak English, they're a nice people at least. emoji
And there's always the 'smile & nod'-method. I was in a FNAQ and I have a Final Fantasy keycord around my wallet. There was a Frenchman who was dying to ask me about a Final Fantasy convention. He asked me questions through Google Translate while I answered with inconsistent French answers of three or four words. Made it though!

*Nederland boven/over alles

Reminds me during our trip to Japan. So far, only some airport staff and majority of people who work in stations can speak fluent English. I was queing somewhere in Disneyland with my mom, and my mom wanted to ask about the thing the women in front of us wear in their shoes to keep their feet warm. My mom eventually found the Japanese for "warm" using Google Translate. "A, ta, kai?" "Yes! Hai! Hai! Atakai! *some random Japanese words*" And also when we were looking for food, our magic word would be "No butaniku" (no pork). Thanks, Google Translate emoji

A friend of mine went to Japan. Said the subway system was horrific due to the unreadable text at stations. emoji
(Luckily my last trip was to London. Everyone speaks English there, so nice.)

Oho, different case. We always took the JR trains, which is mostly on the ground. Though some lines (like the Disneyland-Maihama Line in Tokyo) were also underground, but not the whole line. We never used the subway, since we had JR Pass for our whole trip. The subways are operated by different companies.

Trip to Japan… Something I can only dream of qwq

In Japan almost no one can speak English. (This is a very long story I can talk a lot about even though I have never been there lol if you're underested I shall continue)

Japanese subway is awful in many ways… I hope your friend have never been there at Rush Hour. This is the worst… Even worse than in Moscow…..

Btw I have no idea how you used JR. I guess you might have been lucky in some way to not encounter problems with reading their timetables.

I don't know, but he ended up in the wrong place more than once!

I, on the other hand, totally wasted my Oyster Card on the Underground by simply 'not paying attention'. But I accidentally found the Disney Store in the proces. Didn't buy anything though. Had the coolest Jyn Erso figure (10 inch). But it wasn't £30 cool.