Sujet : The Star Wars Thread

i looked it up the other day on google news but i dont know wheather it was a rumor or something

Being sarcastic. I just hope I don't need to end up watching Rebels in total to get everything in the movie.

oh, well season 2 it has action with darth vader and obi wan so dont worry i mean it kinda carrys on with the other movies and then works its way up, sorry i missed out the s on movie

Being sarcastic. I just hope I don't need to end up watching Rebels in total to get everything in the movie.

If you end up loving Clone Wars, you may end up loving Rebels. However, Clone Wars is simply a better show emoji

yeah i havent really watched clone wars

yeah i havent really watched clone wars

The Clone Wars is the prequel to Rebels (otherwise, Ahsoka will make no sense to anyone). The animation, the storytelling, the mindless, choreographed action–it's my favorite 3D cartoon series!

ive kinda watched the clone wars series and it was enough to get to rebels so i think it would be ok.emoji

Being sarcastic. I just hope I don't need to end up watching Rebels in total to get everything in the movie.

If you end up loving Clone Wars, you may end up loving Rebels. However, Clone Wars is simply a better show emoji

Well, neither actually. I tried with Clone Wars, but it doesn't have it. Gotta admit I recently got tired of movies and TV. The gaming market and reading novels ruined the simplisity of watching a movie or TV show for me :/

A buddy of mine is getting this!

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i heard of that ps4 but i dont get it, its only a limited edittion ps4 that has a star wars sticker on it, its not worth it your wasting most of your money on the sticker, or is it built on to the psemoji

It's not a skin. Those you can buy and put on your console itself. This Vader is engraved into the console, not a sticker. And whatever you spend on it now, you probably get 40% more in just a few years. Special editions of consoles are great investments actually, especially Star Wars. I wonder how limited it's going to be.

oh sorry i know nothing about stuff like that but yea i keep my concoles this is going to show up on fan arts (sorry i put it on star wars thread)

No matter, looks good though!

thnxemoji Disney Infinity just released a trailer for the Clone Wars Saga. Looks cool emoji