Sujet : The Star Wars Thread

I was thinking about getting the new Disney Infinity, but decided against it. I'll just wait for Visceral's new thing.

I was almost tempted to get it as well, just for the returing voice actors like Sam Witwer and JAT.

Why didn't you? I don't because it's very ''DLC'' driven, with all the characters and such. I'm also not sure how storydriven and linear it is.

This is why the clone wars were awesome!!!

James Arnold Taylor produced a short film about a young boy

JJ Abrams

who love to play with star wars figures emoji

Well I didn't know that there was a trailer for season 2 of Rebels until today, so naturally I watched that. I have to say I think the reveal would have been better had it not been in the trailer.

Well I didn't know that there was a trailer for season 2 of Rebels until today, so naturally I watched that. I have to say I think the reveal would have been better had it not been in the trailer.

Trailers spoil everything :/
Rebels has like, 3 trailers for the season 2.

… I'm a little out of touch with trailers. emoji

He's married?! Gawdammit, I'm too late.

He's married?! Gawdammit, I'm too late.

He's been married since 2002 emoji

Then I'm very late! emoji
But the real question is, how do you know? The truth animovie, were we in love with the same man?!

Then I'm very late! emoji
But the real question is, how do you know? The truth animovie, were we in love with the same man?!

Haha! No–he said so once. :oui:

Plus, you can probably just look it up on wikipedia…

But then I feel like a stalker. *Googles Jennifer Hale every day*

Anyway, I bought my first Force Awakens figure: Captain Phasma. I'm probably most excited about her. Listened to her voice during an interview, she doesn't sound very Stromtroopery commando though. But I guess we'll find out. Yesterday I went to The Martian with my sister and we called 2 hours ahead for the premiere. Last row seats in the middle. Not a soul goes to that cinema, I hope it will be the same with Star Wars. emoji

Me too, but I have a feeling that will never happen. My boss is trying to get 1st day tickets to see Star Wars episode 7, but may have to put it off…

I'm rereading Heir to the Empire right now… All aboard the hype train! emoji