Here’s a fun question: Should Ratchet and Clank go open world?
To some people the answer would be obvious: No, why would it need to be open world? It works perfectly fine as it is right now.
This is not entirely true though.
Ratchet and Clank are not as successful as it used to be and therefore it has had a significant budget cut lately which is why FFA and ItN are as short as they are, however there is a way to easily lengthen the games with little effort or costs, focus on exploration.
Make each level last for about an hour and a half and you could make a 9 hour game by just creating 6 levels.
The thing is, they’ve already done this.
All 4 One is roughly 10 hours long despite only having 7 levels. Why is this? Each level was really, really long and this meant that they didn’t need to create more assets for more levels.
The problem? It was too linear.
Critics often criticise A4O for being too repetitive, something I can’t disagree with.
How is IG supposed to rectify this? Make the levels open-world.
Instead of having shorter games because you can’t make more levels just artificially lengthen the already existing ones.
Having more optional paths, acquiring items to advance on a previous planet and just having more optional collectibles are good ways of doing this and we’ve already seen signs of stuff like that in ACiT and ItN.
I think levels along the lines of those in the first Jak and Daxter game would be perfect, as that game was fairly long too despite not having too much level diversity.
What do you guys think?
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