Sujet : Do You Think Ratchet: Deadlocked should be 'Reimagined&

As the Wrench Turns is still one of my favorite tracks in the series.

I do love this one too emoji

I don't know, everyone has their own tastes in music, but I am someone who finds to love most genres. I also don't think that many people combine Guitar and Synth because they do generally sound bad together (an electric guitar is very distorted whereas synths are clean sounding). I do think, however, David did a good job on making songs with both. It seems like the one thing people hate a lot about DL is the soundtrack.

Whenever I listen to a DL track, all I can imagine is a guitarist improvising and looking around to see if anyone's still paying attention

If that's the case, then that's every song that had guitars in the game too. The guitars don't play as lead, they play as Rhythms which are completely different. Some songs in DL do play as leads, but not all.

I find only a few memorable songs from DL, but those rock.

But how can you all keep talking about Bergeaud without mentioning his SAC soundtracks!? Spaceship Graveyard, Klunk's Lair, Le Paradis de Tricheurs Casino, anyone?

I actually think that with most of these tracks David managed to make the loop more subtle, as opposed to earlier games. Take The Showers, for example.

You know, to be honest, SaC wasn't my favorites. I don't really like any of the PSP games. I don't blame insomniac though.

I find only a few memorable songs from DL, but those rock.

But how can you all keep talking about Bergeaud without mentioning his SAC soundtracks!? Spaceship Graveyard, Klunk's Lair, Le Paradis de Tricheurs Casino, anyone?

I actually think that with most of these tracks David managed to make the loop more subtle, as opposed to earlier games. Take The Showers, for example.

I was sticking mainly to his works before DL.
However I'll give him massive props for the QfB soundtrack.

I don't think DL will work as a standalone movie… I'm talking about the story, DLs plot doesn't compare with the others. The story works for a game, mostly an arena game, a game that it's more based on shooting stuff that everything else. But for a movie it just doesn't work. It would be really hard to hollywoodify. However, we are talking about a "re-imagining" here, so they might make it possible.
I like the darker theme of DL, but it doesn't fit in very well in the franchise.
As for the gameplay, I would prefer more freedom and platforming. That's what I expect from a R&C game.
It's clear they wanted to try something new/different. But they shouldn't stray from the successful formula: creative weapons, platforming, interesting worlds to discover, humor, memorable characters, and of course, that amazing feeling of a space adventure.

I don't think DL will work as a standalone movie… I'm talking about the story, DLs plot doesn't compare with the others. The story works for a game, mostly an arena game, a game that it's more based on shooting stuff that everything else. But for a movie it just doesn't work. It would be really hard to hollywoodify. However, we are talking about a "re-imagining" here, so they might make it possible.
I like the darker theme of DL, but it doesn't fit in very well in the franchise.
As for the gameplay, I would prefer more freedom and platforming. That's what I expect from a R&C game.
It's clear they wanted to try something new/different. But they shouldn't stray from the successful formula: creative weapons, platforming, interesting worlds to discover, humor, memorable characters, and of course, that amazing feeling of a space adventure.

That's what I meant. Reimagined for a game.
A reimagined game could fix all the issues. I don't see it ever being able to be anything but an arena type of game. IT doesn't make sense with the story. I aslo don't think they should be attacked for trying something different. I appreciate them doing so and I don't think they did that bad. I love it. I don't even think their targets were just the original fans, they wanted to appeal to the fans that love dark, action games. I think they released it at a wrong time. It is true that the dark and violent games started to get a bit more popular, but if they held that idea and released it for the PS3 or PS4 where people aren't using consoles with the family and people love dark games like Call of Duty, they would be very successful.

…aren't using consoles with the family and people love dark games like Call of Duty, they would be very successful.

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Let's.. maybe not go there.

That game did not sell well for numerous reasons.

True. But the overal idea was to make Sonic games more 'grown up'. If I'm not mistaken, part of Deadlocked wanted to appear the same. It also happened to become one of the 'lesser favourites' in the series.

Everyone I've ever spoken to outside of Ratchet Galaxy, the IG forums and a few people on LBP about Ratchet & Clank has stated that their favorite game in the series is Ratchet: Gladiator. It strikes me as being a massive success, at least with people in NZ.

Would I like it re-imagined? Yea, sure. I liked the game, and a rem-imagining would be pretty cool. I would probably totally enjoy it. But I would probably enjoy one of the other 3 PS2 games more though.

It hard to improve DL with a reimagining, considering the peak of it's success (plus, people would end up hating the remake even more..). The First game deserves a remake, due to everything it didn't have (upgradable weapons and health, armor, hidden collectables, strafing, arena combat, ect.)

It hard to improve DL with a reimagining, considering the peak of it's success (plus, people would end up hating the remake even more..). The First game deserves a remake, due to everything it didn't have (upgradable weapons and health, armor, hidden collectables, strafing, arena combat, ect.)

If there's anything the first game has over any of the others it's that!

Yeah, why did I write that? emoji

True. But the overal idea was to make Sonic games more 'grown up'. If I'm not mistaken, part of Deadlocked wanted to appear the same. It also happened to become one of the 'lesser favourites' in the series.

But I would say this further proves my point. Now…Sega…they were good, but they aren't getting ANY better. If Sega made this game now, it would probably be just as bad, if not, worse. Insomniac, however, has gotten a lot better since DL. The PS3 allowed them to express more of their creativity and innovation. If they re-imagined Deadlocked now and maybe asked the fans what THEY want to see, they may just be able to pull off a great game. They did make FFA/Q-Force which wasn't that great but people still liked it and that game had a shorter story and it is more repetitive than DL. Sure, it wasn't dark. It was pretty much a shooter though. There wasn't many usage of gadgets. (And before anyone says it, I understand that it is pretty much more like a 3D defence game)

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