i love sooooo much my cat
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You gotta post this stuff in really random thred dude…
And this is to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
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You gotta post this stuff in really random thread dude…
No seriously, stop create new threads, there are always useless.

Messages : 535
We don't care, stop this now or you will get ban forever
Oh my god ! With this information, my life will never be the same
Allias :
- le poney psycho-sociopathe mortel avec des fonds de fumiers fumistement fumiers
- Le brouilleur sonique

Messages : 535
Is it going for a better or a worse life? It's important because, you know, cat secrtly control the entire world
Actually, the cats are my secret servant to conquer the world
Allias :
- le poney psycho-sociopathe mortel avec des fonds de fumiers fumistement fumiers
- Le brouilleur sonique
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Well, this is pretty interesting.
What's a "cat"?
*sigh* I'm really getting tired of these pointless threads from Ratchetfan12345…
First of all, this should have just been posted in the Really Random thread instead of being a new topic. Second, what is this doing in the R&C PS4 section? It has nothing to do with R&C for PS4.
It appears that even after I warned him multiple times about creating useless threads and going off-topic, he still won't listen…
[Thread locked]
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