In this thread you can chat about you're fave characters and why you like them they can be robots and non robots.
Here are my lists of my fave characters.
Faveorite Robotic Characters:
Clank - Cute, Smart, Funny, Brilliant computer skills, Knows how to talk to animals and translate languages, Kung-Fu moves, Secret Agent
Sigmund - Adorable , Smart, Hilarious, Loves Cartoons, Is a brillant caretaker of the Great Clock, He may not know how to fight well and a bit of a scaredy bot but he has a good heart
Rusty Pete - Cute, Not so smart (can't even spell kissing ), Bit of a clumsy clutz, Funny (especially the part where pete talks to himself with slag's head
Faveorite Non Robotic Characters:
Ratchet - Clever, Excellent Piloting skills, Fix and fight things with his wrench, Dosn't like Captain Qwark very much (I don't blame him ), he maybe a pain in the furry butt sometimes and can be a bit stubborn but he has a good heart and will do whatever it takes to make things right
Orvus - Adorable, Smart, Has a funny sense of humor, If it wasn't for his idea of designing the Great Clock to save the universe all of the other characters would have existed (makes him super awesome in my point of view )
Zoni - Adorable, Clever, Love when they say 'wheeeeeee!', Can fix things and protect Ratchet and Clank from the crash with thier energies when in a group
I can't think of any more faveorite characters and the reasons why I like them but this is as much as I can think of so far but I do know that so far the only characters I'm not keen on is Qwark (he's annoying and a big cry baby ) and Dr. Nefarious
:spoilers: he killed Orvus and I hate him for that however if orvus is still alive I'll forgive Dr. Nefarious
Anyways tell me who are you fave characters and why you like them I'll be looking forward to see you'r posts