Just felt like chatting about something different…
Anyhow, some of you may have heard about the big quake that happened in New Zealand recently, well I actually don't live in or even near Christchurch (the city that was mostly effected by it) but I was rather stunned at what happened there. Thankfully no lives were lost, but the quake was about as strong as the devastating one in Haiti a few months ago!
So tell me guys, have any of you actually experienced an Earth quake before?
Being in NZ, I've experienced many. Mostly small-ish ones around 3-4 on the Richer scale, but a few years ago I experienced a 6.8 one, it didn't cause much damage in this town (besides smashed bottles at the supermarkets) but it did scare the heck out of me and the family while we tried to sleep the desk was rattling a lot and some of my sculptures fell off the shelf too.