Hey all, My name is Nathan, also know as Nate the great, XD I'm 16 and I live in Auckland, the big apple of New Zealand. I study about Animation and physics and want to become an animation director at Insomniac because I like character designing, background designing ect. As a part time job, I would love to be a voice actor! My inspiration is James Arnold Taylor,(Voice of Ratchet) and I love seeing the Behind the scenes recordings of voice actors too!
I'm a Big fan of R&C. I love video games and I love my music too, My favourite Video games are, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Just Cause 2, Grand Theft Auto 4, Infamous 2 and All the R&C games! Favourite music that I like are Dubstep and Skrillex. I also like watching TV and I like listening to video game Soundtracks. I also love drawing, especially Ratchet! check out my fan-art! & leave a comment please.
I joined Ratchet Galaxy about a month ago, so I'm well.. Kinda new around here. Hope to meet all of You too