Sujet : What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

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Anyone here played a Persona game? I'm playing Persona Q right now. I love it so much!

Oh, I've played Persona 3, 4, Q, and a little bit of the PSP re-release of 1. Is Persona Q your first time playing a Persona game, or have you played other Shin Megami Tensei games? Currently I haven't finished Persona Q myself because a friend is borrowing it, hopefully I'll get it back soon so I can get back into it. How far are you Nam, if you don't mind me asking? emoji

I've played through 3, and 4. I've played a little bit of persona 2 innocent sin. I'm currently at the group date cafe labyrinth in persona Q. Playing as the p4 MC, with a lot of p3 party members on my team. My party is kanji, p3 MC, yukari, and aigis

I did it! I finally Platinum'd BloodBorne! Now I am going to find a nice place to just curl up and cry for a couple months. Maybe until Final Fantasy XV or Persona 5 comes out. I've never played a Persona game before, but 5 looks like it'll be trippy in a great way.

It's hard to like Ratchet in that first game sometimes.

Oh, I'm not playing the first one. I'm playing my first. Which was Gladiator. I already did the first on the Vita a little while before R&C'16 came out ^^

Oh, hehehe. I've misunderstood your message. Thought you were playing the first game emoji.

Oh, hehehe. I've misunderstood your message. Thought you were playing the first game emoji.

That was actually my 2nd R&C game. I've played them all in order after that. emoji

Man I should probably finish that first game at some point… emoji

That was actually my 2nd R&C game. I've played them all in order after that. emoji

I played the R&C games on the PS2 in reverse order. Still remember my first days with deadlocked when I upped the diffuculty level after every break because I did not understand english and thought the game was asking: "how many times have played this game?" emoji

That was actually my 2nd R&C game. I've played them all in order after that. emoji

I played the R&C games on the PS2 in reverse order. Still remember my first days with deadlocked when I upped the diffuculty level after every break because I did not understand english and thought the game was asking: "how many times have played this game?" emoji

As a kid I never wanted to press 'Save game' because I thought it erased my progress. Luckely most of the games I played used auto save.

Klonoa Wii

Well, all the games I play right now happened to be in same series ^^"

PS2 - Tales of Destiny, Tales of Rebirth
PSP - Tales of Heroes Twin Brave

I really need to finish these already to play some R&C ;w;

Just started playing Airline Manager 2 on my phone recently. Dear Lord, now I start to understand the pain managing a small airline. Weird that my most modern planes are turboprops (ATR-42) and the oldest ones are jets (Dassault Mercure)

Just played Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, downloaded it for free thanks to Origin's On the House program. And wow, even though it has outdated graphics (released in 2004 btw), it felt so realistic for an old game. You really have to work as a team, limited health and med supply, a medic would sometimes vomit when treating a wounded soldier, and a lot more. Totally worth the space it took.

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FFXV and the n.sane trilogy.

I've been playing some Dragon Quest Heroes and it's actually super fun for a Dynasty Warriors-style game.
Plus having the colorful cast of Dragon Quests 4-8 in 3D and fully voice acted is a treat.

Civilization Revolution 2 Plus Vita, FF8 Ps1, FF7 ps1, FFX Vita