Ah, the R&C comics. I'm still missing issues 1# and 3#. And the omnibus. But those things have shot up in price! And quickly too.
As for Sly, they did recently release a Stubbins plush for Sly. And Totaku is a new figure series that *might* just go for a Sly at some point. I really hope so!
Hmmm I recently sold my comics #1 - #6 on Ebay for 20 euros to a guy in Australia recently xD.....I'm starting to think I should have bumped up the price a little hehe.
€20?! Wish I'd seen that listing. The Australian buyer must have had a field day! 
I think I'll start by saying something that I know is really random.
I was introduced to this website by someone I met on the Insomniac discord. I thought this would be a really, really great place to post of fanfic that I have been working on for at least 2 years now. I have been trying to get a lot of my stories on the web as a means of getting more attention to my story. I am on Starfox-Online, Fanfiction.net, DeviantArt and now I've come here to do exactly what I have been doing on all of those other sites. I will talk more about it soon.
StarFox-Online. Now that's a name I haven't seen a loooong time.
Oh, and welcome, by the way!