Commentaires - Drek's New Design + Ratchet and Clank News Bundle!

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Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 27 févr. 2015 17:12:29

I just REALLY hope that no one spoils stuff about it…

Avatar - Handem
Handem 27 févr. 2015 20:21:53

Where did Insomniac said that they will reveal the release date soon?

Avatar - Kubak12
Kubak12 27 févr. 2015 20:33:42

    "Where did Insomniac said that they will reveal the release date soon?"
On the official movie's Facebook page.

Avatar - Handem
Handem 27 févr. 2015 20:57:35

Oh I missed this one. Thank you!

Avatar - ankadewo
ankadewo 28 févr. 2015 01:09:19

Oh, no, Drek's new design…

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 28 févr. 2015 04:48:52

I'd be happy if his forehead wasn't so…tall.

Avatar - Rock_Lombax
Rock_Lombax 28 févr. 2015 11:25:24

Drek looks like a greedy alien lizard businessman, which is perfect, …except for that overly elongated head of his!
It would have been a lot better if that extension of his head was cut down to about half of its size…

Avatar - VeldinGamer
VeldinGamer 28 févr. 2015 13:57:27
Avatar - Pippip19
Pippip19 28 févr. 2015 21:31:48

Who is on the poster to the right of Drek?

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 28 févr. 2015 21:41:16

Probably just a Galactic Ranger.

Avatar - Darkstar
Darkstar 28 févr. 2015 21:49:11
Avatar - Filipuntik
Filipuntik 28 févr. 2015 22:42:00

Oh come on, don't be so salty emoji

Avatar - HeatherGrace
HeatherGrace 28 févr. 2015 22:56:23

Well… they could have gone with a little less weight. I understand evil master minds like Drek are often very… ''large''. But no. Just no.

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 28 févr. 2015 23:04:26

    "Well… they could have gone with a little less weight. I understand evil master minds like Drek are often very… ''large''. But no. Just no."
That brings to a very ironic line I put in "Ratchet and Clank: The Villian Club."…-i-havent

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Membre supprimé 3 mars 2015 13:41:32

One thing that's weird (other than he is heavy, has a tall skinny head, and had 15 chins)is that he doesn't have plane green eyes like in the game.

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