Commentaires - Drek's New Design + Ratchet and Clank News Bundle! - Page 2

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Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 3 mars 2015 13:47:40

Why does everyone say his eyes are green?!? They are clearly blue!

Avatar - Rock_Lombax
Rock_Lombax 3 mars 2015 14:29:39…an-drek.png…pthg4.jpg
You're both wrong, his eyes are 100% CYAN.

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 3 mars 2015 15:09:05

Never heard of CYAN.

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Membre supprimé 3 mars 2015 15:19:18

Aqua is a blue and green mix with more blue while cyan is pretty much the same except with more green in the mix.

Avatar - ankadewo
ankadewo 3 mars 2015 15:58:57

Guys, the wiki says that his eyes are BLUE (I see them more as green, though)

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Membre supprimé 3 mars 2015 16:30:23

I think it also depends on what picture you look at.

Avatar - Ryno
Ryno 4 mars 2015 07:33:30

cannot waiting for this movie :'emoji

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 9 mars 2015 23:00:38…1_540.jpg
Enjoy the full version of that updated poster!

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Membre supprimé 10 mars 2015 21:03:46

The new is cool, but I prefer the other, Ratchet and Clank are taller than on it, and I don't like the face of Qwark ^^"

Avatar - Rock_Lombax
Rock_Lombax 10 mars 2015 21:56:24

Is it just me or is Ratchet in the new poster pretty roughly cropped out… Look at his right cheek for example.

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 10 mars 2015 22:51:23

That's just lighting.

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Membre supprimé 11 mars 2015 14:33:40

what in the world how is that drek my point is the old drek is better
this is drek not what they got now

Avatar - lombax56
lombax56 24 mars 2015 17:58:05

ET + Marge Simpson. x3
I'm ok with his new design, let's see how he will look in the movie. =3

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 29 mars 2015 02:47:52

I'm thinking of doing another news, just to credit Filip and RatchetGamer on their promotions emoji

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